He never hid his intentions.

Right from the beginning of us becoming an us.

Me –I’ll use the express lane when I’m big as a house and have your son or daughter on my hip.

He was silent for a beat, but I didn’t worry.

It was an amazing feeling to know that you can tell your significant other anything, and you know, you freaking trust in them that they understand. That no matter how crazy or outlandish you might be, they still love you. And I knew that Marcus loved me.

I might not have the words. But it’s in his eyes every time he looks at me.

Marcus -You have no clue how happy you made me.

And just then, my phone rang in my hand, seeing the picture of the two of us smiling over a slice of pizza, I hit accept and then brought the phone to my ear.

Smiling, I looked at my blue Converse to match my jersey and said, “Hey, Honey.”

He was silent for a second, and then I heard, “You’d really have my babies?”

Smiling, I nodded, “Yeah. I really would. And if that day does come, I’ll welcome our son or daughter into this world with the widest smile on my face.”

Again, he was silent for a beat, “Do me a favor?”

“Name it.” I said with a giggle as I heard the men in the locker room ribbing each other and talking about the other team’s players.

His deep rasp came over the line then, “Don’t give our babies my smile.”

I chuckled, “You are so bad.”

Immediately, he responded with, “Yeah, but you love it anyway.”

Grinning, I said, “Yeah, I really do.”

That same first voice said, “Do you think they have lower-cut tops at the souvenir shop?”

“What the fuck?” Marcus asked.

I giggled, “The girl behind me thinks that wearing a low-cut top is the way to become a pro athlete’s wife.”

He snorted, “Yeah, if she’s only after him for the money that is. Okay, gotta go, Shortcake.” I checked the time on my watch, yeah, he had to finish getting ready after warm-ups.

Chuckling, I whispered, “Kick ass, Marcus.”

“Always.” I smiled, lowered the phone, and saw that he already hung up.

Smiling, I stepped up to the window and handed the lady my ticket, she grinned and then said, “A Lot of people wearing his jersey.”

Before I could say a word to her as she scanned my ticket, that same first voice said, “Shit, maybe I should have worn his jersey, he’s the one I want to land anyway.”

I snorted, then wanted to smack the girl behind me and her friend, “Stacy, I know you want to marry a football player, but one, if everyone is wearing his jersey, you won’t stand out. And two, that top is really cute. You don’t need to spend rent money here.”

I rolled my eyes instead of slapping them,you can’t fix stupid.

The older woman looked at me as she handed me my ticket stub, “I see you know something those girls behind you don’t.”

Smiling, I simply shrugged my shoulders, “You are a smart woman. What I know is that I’m the only one who goes to sleep in his arms and wakes up in them, you have a nice day.”

The gasp and outrage landed squarely at my back as I walked to the steps that would lead me to my seat.