Arriving at my house after taking her to work on Tuesday morning because I had picked her up yesterday from work, I walked into the master bedroom to check out the improvements I had made.
The contractor I chose to work with had designed an amazing closet for Aliyah in their home and I wanted almost the same exact thing. Almost.
Turns out that money can buy happiness.
The house I purchased when we moved back was a five-bedroom with four-and-a-half baths.
And needing to cleanse the whole house I had them move the top floor around.
Since the bedrooms were decent-sized on the eastern side of the house, they made one of the bedrooms into two rooms.
That meant that on the western side of the house, they took out the closet, and moved it to the room beside the master. And they made another improvement, one I couldn’t wait to show Scarlett.
Now, as I stand here, staring at the closet, his side, and her side. Her side had a display case for her jewelry, and shelves for her shoes, handbags, and anything she wanted to put in here.
Now, we just needed to talk about moving her from her apartment and into my home.
Walking down the steps I really thought about going ahead and moving her in while she was at work. But… knowing that with my career, she would need to feel that she was contributing to everything. So… once we had that talk, she would be moved in here.
And I may have overstepped in buying four dog beds that were strategically placed around the house. Slightly.
Making myself a sandwich, when my phone pinged, I tagged my phone from my sweats and looked at the screen.
I almost choked when I read her text.
Me –You’re telling me that a woman thought she was in labor because she had gas pains?
Shortcake –Yep. I can’t make this shit up. And then… when she was being wheeled out, she saw a woman in active labor and heard the screams. She shook her head and apologized.
Daemon– Yo! Are you coming over to watch the film with the coach and the guys tonight?
Me– Yeah. As soon as I finish my sandwich.
Culpepper– Thank fuck for the antibiotics. You know what I’m saying.
Instead of replying to him, I decided on slapping him upside his stupid ass head when I saw him.
Taking the last bite of my sandwich I tossed the paper towel in the trash can, headed to my room, and pulled on a long-sleeved t-shirt, then went out the door after locking my house.
On my way to my SUV, I texted Scarlett.
Me– Headed to Daemon’s house to watch some film for next week’s game with the team. Let me know when you get off. Be careful driving home.
Yeah, the moment I walked into their house and saw Culpepper, I slapped him upside the back of his head.
“Ow. What the fuck was that for?” I didn’t bother responding as I got my hugs from Crew, and a hug as well as a kiss on the cheek from Keeley.
Four hours later, I was commenting on a player we needed to look out for. He played right, but he did it dirty.
Shortcake -Damn but that was a long shift. Everyone and their mother decided it was time to have babies today. I’m home and in my pajamas.
I snorted and texted her back.
Me– Sorry, Shortcake.