Marcus snorted, “The reason he’s a dumbass is because he actually exchanged numbers with the woman. Said that she showed great character when she walked in, knowing the ramifications for herself.”
My mouth dropped open, “You’re shitting me.”
“Nope. I can’t make this shit up. And get this. I woke up to a text from him. He’s taking her out to dinner tonight.”
It was my turn to be silent for a beat, and then, well, I couldn’t help it. I started laughing.
And then… yeah, my klutzy self decided to make an appearance. An unwanted appearance and I snorted like a freaking pig.
Immediately, I rolled over and then buried my face in my pillow but didn’t lay there long when I heard him whisper, “You’re fucking adorable.”
I lifted my face off my pillow so he could hear me correctly, and then I asked, “You really think so?”
“Yeah, one thing, you're honest. You don’t hide who you truly are. And you’re down to earth. It’s sexy as hell.”
Looking down at the ratty pajamas I had on, knowing my hair was more than likely looking like a rat’s nest, I changed the subject, “So, what are your plans today?”
“So, we’re going to pretend that I didn’t say you’re sexy, got it.” Then he chuckled, “Last minute practice. And then resting before the game. You?”
Lifting up fully so I could really see the time, I said, “About to get up and head to Betty’s to pick her up. We are having her rehearsal tonight. Betty and Red are getting married tomorrow. But wait a minute, you played yesterday.”
Yeah, it’s not really a game, it’s a small scrimmage for charity. Jude’s for Children is putting it on.”
“Dang. Had I known they were doing that, I would have talked Betty into going to that for her pre-rehearsal party.”
He was silent for a beat, and then he asked, “You got a date?”
I shook my head, “Nope. No one I wanted to ask to be my date.”
He was quiet for a beat and then he asked, “Would you have asked me if I didn’t have my head up my ass and tried harder to find you and talk to you?”
I giggled, “Yeah, I would. But you have a game this weekend.”
He sighed, “First time in my life I thought about not playing in a game.”
Had I not spent time with him, I would have thought he was absolutely crazy for thinking that.
But now that I’ve spent time with him… well… I got it.
Chapter 13
As soon as the ref blew the whistle, I really thought about telling everyone they could fuck right off.
But I wasn’t that type of man, and I wouldn’t start being that type of man for her, even though it killed me.
An hour later I was showered, hand cramped from signing stuff for the kids, and in a black suit with a black shirt and tie hustling out of the small locker room we had used.
“Brother, where the fuck are you off to in such a hurry?” I didn’t even slow my walk for Daemon.
Instead, I called out over my shoulder, “Got plans.”
I heard the incredulity in his tone, “What plans? You never have plans.”
Normally, I would have stopped to talk to him about that statement and how lame he apparently thought I was.
But glancing at my watch, I didn’t stop.