And when I heard her snort, I winced.
Scarlett moaned from her bed, “Stop making me snort.”
The doctor sighed, “Yeah, trust me. I get that a lot. This is what happens when your parents are divorced and ignore you. Luckily, I turned to books and not drugs. Graduated from the private school I was at when I was sixteen, then became a doctor at twenty-two. Now, two years later, I get asked that all the time.”
I nodded, then looked at Scarlett, just in time for the doctor to look at her while putting gloves on, and then asked, “So, care to tell me what happened?”
Scarlett moaned again, “Let’s just say,Denny’sand me, yeah, never going there again.”
That was when he tilted his head to the side, “Denny’s? You mean the restaurant?”
Scarlett nodded, “I’m not sure what they use on the doors to clean them, but it works wonders.”
That was when the doctor winced himself, “You’re telling me you walked into a door?”
She nodded, “Yep. Right, smack into it. I was glaring at the waitress who had lowered her top to make her breasts more visible when she caught sight of Marcus and Red.”
That was when the doctor nodded, “I would tell you to stop glaring at other women, however, protectiveness and jealousy are healthy facets of any relationship. But just watch out for doors.”
She nodded.
And then he gave us the news that we both suspected, “Your nose is indeed broken. Luckily, it’s a simple fracture, and can be fixed.”
Then he went off to rattle a few things.
That was when they gave her a shot for pain.
And then once it was ready, we all heard Scarlett mutter, “And windows.”
That caused a few snickers.
Two seconds later, “And brick walls.”
Those caused winces.
Two seconds after that, “And standing too fast and knocking my chair backward.”
With that, the doctor instructed what he was about to do, and when he counted to two, he popped her nose back in place.
Ten minutes later the audible sigh from Scarlett was music to my ears.
Then, there was another knock on the door.
It was the charge nurse over Scarlett for the next four weeks. Thankfully, she was given a few days off.
“You ready to go home?” I asked her.
She looked up at me and nodded, “More than ready. And then, once I feel better, after Betty and Red’s wedding, and their honeymoon ends, I’m finding a doll. And having a witch put a curse on it.”
That had me chuckling.
“I’ll help buy the doll,” but what I really wanted to say, was that I owed Betty a fucking bottle of wine, or her favorite drink, maybe even a whole case.
Because had this not happened, I wouldn’t be in her presence right now.
Twenty minutes later we were discharged, I had my arm wrapped around her side helping her out to my SUV with her bag of pain meds in my hand.
And I wasn't going to think about how good her body felt against mine. Pressed there. Like she had always belonged there.