And he… he simply nodded. “Positive. Nowhere else I’d rather be.”
I sighed, “Come on then, let's go see what fun times are in store for us tonight.”
And it wouldn’t be until I glanced down at the table that I remembered I had been so enthralled with Marcus that I hadn’t seen the waitress leave.
Then I asked, “Where’s the wine glass?”
Betty chuckled, “Honey, Marcus handed it to her before he sat down.”
And that… well… that caused my cheeks to heat up.
And yeah… I shook my head, then stood up, and didn’t realize the force I had used and sent the chair flying backward.
My cheeks heated.
Please. Please. Please tell me that didn’t just happen, and this beautiful man saw that.
I looked up at him to see him smiling down at me, then I got a wink from him.
Cue my baby-making factory.
Holy hell.
I didn’t watch him bend down and right my chair.
I so didn’t.
Yeah, I’m a liar.
I totally did.
Wait…. Married. He’s married. He’s married.
Then… on the way toDenny’s, I had to question if he was still married because he had asked for my phone number after all.
And Marcus DuPointe didn’t strike me as a man who would cheat.
Not when fifteen minutes later we arrived atDenny’sand not once had his eyes strayed from either my face, my body, or the path ahead of him as we walked.
And…. thankfully, nothing happened.
I know!
Well…. that was until we were leaving… apparently, my forehead said,fuck youand something else took the beating. Literally.
Chapter 9
Any sane man would have nodded when she warned him about going toDenny’s.
Sadly, or thankfully, I wasn’t a sane man.
Sadly, because of where we found ourselves an hour later.