Because hopefully, if I busted my ass and luck was on my side, I would have the woman I’ve wanted since I was twenty-two years old.

And even though it killed me.

I stayed away.

That was until I had nine more days until the divorce was official.









Time’s up.

I was rectifying the one regret in my life I’ve ever had.

Now, just to find her first and put my plan into motion.


Chapter 8


As I walked by his room, I let out a sigh.

Damn me and my shyness.

I should have given him my number.

Why the hell had I not done that?

Then I growled when my pager went off.

Yes, I was assigned a pager, all the nurses were given one to be turned in once we completed our residency.

But then I smiled as I read it.

I wanted to fist-bump the air.

See you, bitch from hell.

I walked back the way I had come, grabbed my stuff, and then reported to the floor I had been reassigned to.

The charge nurse smiled at me and then gave me my set of rooms.

Ped’s floor. Nice.