And what I heard had me grinding my fucking teeth.
Before I was discharged, I asked to see the CEO of the hospital as well as the charge nurse.
Sadly, the man in charge didn’t light a fire under his own ass until three hours later when it was time for me to leave.
“Well, Mr. DuPointe, how was your stay with us?” the man in an ill-fitting suit asked.
“First of all, I want that bitch to get off Scarlett’s back and then I want her to apologize. I want Scarlett moved to the ped’s floor or the NICU unit. I don’t care what you have to do but make it fucking happen. Then you are going to fire that fucking bitch.”
The older man, who had an ill-fitting toupee on his head, started, “Mr. DuPointe, now let's not be hasty.”
That was when the nurse in question huffed her way into the room as she had really been busy. My fucking ass.
At the older man’s comment, it was then my best friend came in and bumped into the nurse. Really, the big fucker shoulder-checked her, and I loved him for it, even more so when he said, “Oops, I have a bitch detector, and you brought it out of me.”
But it was Van who growled, getting right in her face, not giving a flying fuck, “And you damn well owe that sweet girl a fucking apology.”
The bitch had the nerve to shake her head and smile coyly, “I did nothing wrong.”
I growled then, “You mean to tell me you fucking know that it’s in her file that she doesn’t have to deal with patients that are extremely big and extremely muscular? Oh, and before you try to deny it, my door was cracked last night. Heard every single word you said.”
Gone was the coy smile on her face, and in its place was a glare, bitch, please, I deal with worse shit on the fucking field, “My other nurses were busy.”
I snapped, “Then you should’ve gotten off your ass and stopped flirting with Doctor Pierson and taken care of the other patients your-damn-self. Wait. No. They probably would’ve died if they had you taking care of them.”
The dumbass CEO of the hospital moved his hands, so they were palms up, and then said, “Okay, let’s all take a breath.”
And that was when my door opened a second time, and the moment I heard her voice, “Umm, am I interrupting something?”
I felt something deep inside of me calm down immediately, then my eyes searched for her, and when they found her, and saw they were on me, I gave her a soft smile.
Then, wanting to get this bitch out of here and away from her, I asked, “No, you’re not. You got my discharge papers?”
She chuckled softly, then looked around the room and froze.
Wanting to reassure her, I said, “As soon as all these people get out of here, I’m ready when you are.”
“Before you beat their asses,” Van murmured at my back, and only one of them didn’t hear him because of where she stood near the door, Scarlett. As for the rest… they all got wide-eyed.
That got the old goat moving, thank fuck. “Let’s all let Nurse McKinney deal with her patient. Nurse Cunther, let’s talk outside in the hall.”
After they all cleared out, Aliyah and Daemon went with Van to get the truck and bring it around, and it was just Scarlet and myself.
“Ready to bail?” she asked with a husky laugh as she slowly walked over to where I was sitting on the side of my bed, already dressed and ready.
I nodded, “Yeah, something about hospitals makes my skin crawl.”
She smiled at me and then patted my shoulder; however, it was almost as if she just realized what she had done and pulled away too fast.
Why couldn’t she have moved her hand lower right over my heart and felt how fast it was beating for her?
Startled, she said, “Let me get an orderly so he can push you outside.” I tagged her wrist, wanting, no, needing her to realize that I didn’t mind her touch.
Quite the opposite.