“Yeah, okay, I concede to your group of guys. However,” she nodded her head over at the table and then pointed directly at Daemon, Marcus’s best friend, “If he hadn’t seen that woman, I’d beg and plead to have that man’s babies.”
I snorted and then shook my head.
Yes, Daemon was all kinds of handsome.
But he wasn’t what I would define as a break the mold, stick a fork in me, lose my breath, my world stops spinning, kind of handsome.
In other words… he wasn’t gorgeous.
No, the man that held those titles and then some was his best friend. Marcus.
“And I see that you don’t feel the same, that’s a first, every time I walk by Daemon, and another girl is near I hear her sigh.”
“He’s good-looking, don’t get me wrong. But he’s not the most handsome man I’ve ever seen,” I told her.
Then I bit my lip, “Girl code?”
She looked happy, then nodded, “Girl code.”
“I’ve been around a lot of good-looking guys because of who my dad is. But Marcus, yeah. He takes the cake.”
She looked deep into my eyes, nodded, then tilted her head to the side and asked, “Girl code?”
I nodded, “Girl code.”
“I would totally have Daemon’s babies, but I came here because of her. My lord, what I would do to her.” I looked at where she was tilting her head and then nodded.
She was beautiful, I wanted to know how she kept her black hair that shiny and what products she used, “She’s stunning. But… I think she’s straight.”
Betty sighed then, “She is. But I just love to look at her.”
I giggled, then she asked, “So, do you have plans tonight?”
I shook my head, “Just studying but that’s it. You?”
She grinned, “I really want to go see the newTransformersmovie that came out a few weeks ago. Between classes, I haven't been able to go.”
I gasped, which drew attention from the people around us, but not the table where Marcus was sitting, “Wait? Really? I’ve been wanting to see that movie ever since I saw the previews of it.”
And that was what we did. We saw the movie. She found out I would never throw shade at her for her preferences in the likes department, and we exchanged numbers.
And then, over the rest of the year, whenever I saw Marcus DuPointe, I had to remind myself to keep my feet firmly planted. Even though Betty urged me to go talk to him, my view was that he did something nice for me, and then I did something nice for him, so, judging by that, the ball was in his court.
Yeah, I was stupid. I know.
But when I realized he hadn’t felt thepulse, my pride, and my heart had taken a beating.
And… I may have also gone to the store and smelled every single cologne they had and finally found the smell, sprayed the hoodie, and cuddled up in it each night.
Over the course of the next three years, every Sunday, Monday, and Thursday night, when I could swing it when it was football season my face was firmly glued to the television to watch him play for the Rams.
As was Betty’s because she watched the cheerleaders, and yes, she had found someone named Red and they were planning a wedding in two months.
Red, well, he didn’t mind her preferences. They had a healthy sex life, according to them, and often, they invited others to play. But they were both giving that up the day they made their vows.
And I couldn’t be happier for Betty.
Sadly, two years ago, my heart had felt like it had split in two. Because one Sunday, they shared pictures… of Marcus’s wedding.