And then, as I locked my ice-blue eyes with his hazel ones, I felt something else.
Holy shit. Did I just stumble back?
Apparently not with what followed my brain short-circuiting, he smirked, “Dwarf’s you.”
I was too busy taking in a face that would make the most famous of painter’s weep if he told them they couldn’t paint him to really dive into how sexy his voice was.
Gorgeous? Read my favorite smut book to me?
See if I wasn’t so distracted, I could have come up with a lot more to describe his voice.
He was that gorgeous.
His face was angular, with high cheekbones, a strong jaw from what I could see underneath a glorious beard that I bet would feel heavenly betw… no, Scarlett Layne.
Excuse you. Don’t you dare go there!
But come on?
His eyebrows were perfectly shaped and dark.
His eyelashes were thick, full, and lush. I wanted his eyelashes instead of my light ones.
His eyes, oh my freaking hellfire! They were a beautiful hazel color, and I could have sworn I saw four kids, two dogs, and a big house full of love and laughter in two-point-five seconds.
I was too busy taking in all that was him to realize something. I had just been incredibly, and undeniably rude.
And I knew I had been when he growled, and said, “I got something on my face?”
I realized that I had been staring, so I took a step back, closed my eyes, and took in a breath. Then I opened them, shook my head, and offered him a shy smile, “No. I’m sorry for being extremely rude. And thank you for loaning me your hoodie. I’ll wash it tonight and get it back to you.”
He nodded, and then, just like that, he turned and headed for the door, opened it, and walked out.
Walked. Out.
Needing to keep this gorgeous creature in my sights, I hurriedly flung open the door, located his tall smexy swagger, and then started walking in the direction of my class.
And yeah, I may or may not have been watching him walk away from me and not where I was going.
Yeah, my forehead had a knot on it now from the open door I hadn’t seen.
Great. So, freaking great.
Then I froze.
I told him I would get it back to him, and I had no clue who he was, where he lived, and since I didn’t really have any friends to ask about it, I couldn’t find him.
However, I didn’t know his name, and to be honest, I didn’t want to.
I just wanted to keep the memory of what he did for me at the forefront of my mind when nightmares plagued me.
Because I knew this hoodie, the nice memory of what he did for me, I knew it would beat those nightmares back.