Page 34 of Twenty Ways To Fall

Looks like our plans will need to wait. But I was glad to be included in whatever the new development was.

Once inside we were escorted to a conference room where Bennett, Finn, and Shaun were already seated with Reesa.

“Please sit. We were just about to start,” Reesa instructed.

Finn started the meeting. “I have finished the autopsy. As suspected, no one had entered the room that wasn’t authorized to do so. The man did pass from a heart attack as I suspected.”

“That’s good, right?” Shaun asked.

Bennett shrugged. “It means no one got to him in the hospital. That’s all.”

That said something about the security they had. It worked. Well, if there was an actual threat. “Do you know if he was working with anyone?” I asked. “Because his fear wasn’t health-related. At least not in my opinion.”

“I trust her opinion,” Draven stated.

I looked at him out of the corner of my eye briefly. It was the first time he acknowledged my ability. It felt good. But were the others going to accept that?

“I know what she is capable of,” Bennett stated.

Meaning you’ve done your research on me.If he hadn’t, I knew I wouldn’t be sitting in this meeting now.

“So what’s the update?” Draven asked.

“Unfortunately, we found the girl. She is deceased. Finn has already examined her, and it looks as though she’d been dead for three weeks,” Bennett stated. “We have not notified the family yet. Reesa wanted to be the one who does that.”

That surprised me and then again, didn’t. I could feel the love Reesa had for her country and her people. She never would allow strangers to deliver such horrible news. I had respect for her before, and that respect had just grown exponentially.

Finn said, “I will accompany her in case the family has any questions.”

I had one and dreaded the answer. “Was she…sexually assaulted?”

Finn shook his head. “There was no evidence of that. She died from blunt trauma to her right temple. There were signs of a struggle, and we are testing the DNA under her fingernails.”

Draven asked, “Did the suspect have any scratch marks on him?”

Finn shook his head. “No.”

“Unfortunately, Kinsley, it appears that you were correct. He wasn’t working alone. But the problem is we have nothing to lead us to who his partner was,” Bennett stated.

“How about speaking to the witness again? Maybe they will remember more,” Draven stated.

“Done that. Oddly enough, they seem to have remembered less. Won’t even speak to us now,” Bennett stated.

“Would you mind if I tried,” I asked. Didn’t want to step on toes and Bennett didn’t look thrilled with my suggestion. “It’s just that I…I look less intimidating than you gentlemen. If they don’t speak to me, then you’ve lost nothing.”

Reesa said, “I’m not sure I like the idea of you being out there on your own.”

“She won’t be. I’ll go with her,” Draven stated.

And I’m sure TJ will be along for the ride too.

“That defeats the purpose ofmygoing,” I stated.

Draven stated firmly, “I willnotallow you to go alone.”

“Excuse me?” I said, glaring at him. “Either you trust me, or you don’t. Which is it?” He might be my boss, but no one speaks to me like that.Allow me? He can kiss my ass if he thinks that will fly with me.

Draven said, “Of course I trust you. It’s whoever he was working with that I don’t.”