Page 45 of Now You're Mine

“What’s for breakfast?” I ask.


I make a face at him, even though my insides quiver. Giving him my back—which isn’t the smartest decision when dealing with Hayden—I open the refrigerator and grab the orange juice. After retrieving a cup and pouring myself a glass, I sit across from him at the dining table.

“What’s your plan for today?” I ask.

I watch Hayden over the rim of my glass, trying to gauge his mood. He was definitely strung tight when I walked into the room, but that was expected. Now that he knows what game I’m playing, he’s leaning back in his chair, his posture relaxed. I’m not naïve enough to think he won’t try something to gain the upper hand. I just wish I knew what it was.

He blows out a breath and shakes his head, setting his coffee down. “I have a lot of case files to go through.”

“Oh, okay. I didn’t realize you were still working.”

“I have to work remotely, or I won’t have a job when I get back.”


A twinge of disappointment snakes through me, and I bite my lip. I don’t want to depend on him for anything, but the idea of spending day after day alone in this place makes me shudder.

“Stop biting your lip,” he says.

I obey, not wanting to provoke more than I already have.

“Wait here.”

I watch him get to his feet and leave the room, my forehead wrinkled in confusion. He returns with a large package, complete with a red bow. After setting it on the table, he pushes it toward me, his gaze earnest.

“For you.”

“Another present?” I ask. When he nods, I finger the pearls at my throat. “But you already gave me one.”

“Is there a rule about the number of gifts a man can give?”

I shake my head. “I guess not.”

“Open it, Callie.”

Hesitation rises in me, colliding with excitement. I don’t trust the motivations behind Hayden’s gifts. It’s obvious he’s trying to soothe the rift between us with material things, since he refuses to give in on the main source of contention. If I accept this, does that mean I’m telling him I agree with the way he’s handled everything?

I glance at Hayden, finding his expression even. Except for the sparkle of eagerness in his gaze. It warms my heart a little. With a sigh, I untie the bow and unwrap the box. Nestled inside is a sleek laptop. From the looks of it, top of the line and the latest model.

“What’s this for?” I ask.

“College. You can use it to register and for the classes when they begin. I gave you my word that I’d support you in that. Remember?”

I drop my gaze, tracing the metal case with my index finger. “I do.”

“You don’t like it.” His voice is flat, hard. “Is that the problem?”

“I love it.”

“Then what’s wrong?”

Having this laptop would make my time here easier to get through. By giving me access to school, he’s not only keeping his promise, he’s giving me a way to connect to other people beyond this island. But using this gift feels like an acceptance of my situation.

“This is a very thoughtful gift,” I say slowly, keeping my gaze downcast. “And you’re right, having this laptop would really help me. But… I just… I can’t take it.”

Even though I’m not staring directly at him, I catch the stiffening of his body. He remains quiet, and the tension in the room builds with every passing second. It has me shifting in my seat until I finally dare to glance up at him.