Page 99 of Once You're Mine

“Not really.”

“Come here.”

It’s not a request.

I eye him with suspicion. “Why?”

“You look exhausted.”

“I’ve had a pretty exciting day.” I don’t bother hiding my sarcastic undertone. “How often does a girl find out that the man she’s living with is her stalker?”

“How often does a man find a woman he’d destroy the world for?”

I bow my head and release a sigh of defeat while briefly closing my eyes, ignoring the way my heart lurches in my chest. “Stop. I can’t do this with you right now.”

“Come here, Callie.”

His tone is soft and gentle, soothing to my wounded soul. I slap my palms against the island to keep from going to him. To keep from accepting the comfort of a monster.

“I need to be alone,” I say, my voice small and weak. Every time I deny Hayden it adds another crack to my defense against him. When he’s domineering I can patch the holes in my armor, but this tender side of him?

It wrecks me.

“Please.” My supplication is a mere whisper, the last of my rebellion a monosyllable of both weakness and desperation.

Hayden stares at me from across the island, so close physically, but very distant emotionally. The chasm between us is a third party, a looming presence in our relationship. Whatever’s left of it.

The beautiful man in front of me swallows hard, right before blowing out a harsh breath. “Very well.”

I don’t ask him what he means. Instead, I take the brief reprieve and edge around the island. And him. Once my feet meet the carpet, I head in the direction of the guest room located a few doors down from Hayden’s bedroom.

My spine tingles the entire way and my senses strain to pick up on any trace of him following me. When I reach the hallway, I stop and chance a look over my shoulder.

Hayden’s exactly where I left him in the kitchen. His entire frame is lined with tension and he’s completely still, but that’s not what steals my breath. The man grips the countertop with his head bowed, his body in a position of defeat and utter despair.

I bite the inside of my cheek to refrain from calling him. Or worse, returning to his side. I might care for Hayden, but this issue between us won’t be resolved unless he can see how his behavior hurt me.

It takes every ounce of my willpower to turn back around and take a step. Once I’m in motion, I pick up the pace until I’m in the empty bedroom with the door shut and locked behind me.

A grim smile tweaks my mouth as I lean heavily against the door. Hayden might get upset because I’ve secured myself inside the room, but he’s left me no choice. I need a moment of peace.

Not that I believe a simple metal mechanism would keep him from getting to me. It certainly didn’t work at my apartment.

With a groan, I slide down until my butt hits the floor. Bringing my knees to my chest, I rest my forehead on them and wrap my arms around my legs. Curled in a tight ball, I let the tears flow.

I cry over my battered heart.

I weep over my broken trust.

I mourn over my bleak future.

How am I supposed to move past Hayden’s lies? Is that even possible? I have no idea. The frightful unknown mixes with agony to create an unbearable anxiety that has my sobs growing. My entire body is nothing more than a collection of skin and bones held firmly together while I feel like I’m falling apart on the inside.

How can one person be responsible for so much pain?

My shuddering causes my spine to rap against the wooden surface behind me, the staccato tapping out the soundtrack of my misery. Every tremor and every tear, a manifestation of my bleeding heart which struggles to beat despite me drawing breath.

I can feel Hayden’s presence before I hear him speak. “Baby?”