“Everythingis different with you.”
For starters, I never became obsessed with or stalked other women. I didn’t have to chase them either. But most importantly, no one else has made mefeel. With Calista, I’m beginning to experience the full spectrum of emotion. It’s unnerving yet I’m powerless to stop it.
“That’s sweet of you to say,” she whispers. “I appreciate it.”
I scoff. “I’m not trying to be sweet. I always mean what I say or else I wouldn’t bother saying it to begin with. So believe me when I tell you that I’ve never met anyone like you.”
This woman affects me in ways I couldn’t predict. Even now, I’m surprised by my behavior and thoughts when it comes to her. And I hate surprises. I suppose Calista’s presence in my life is the only one I haven’t minded. I did in the beginning, but now?
I can’t imagine living without her.
“Honestly, I can say the same thing about you,” she says. “Harper thinks you’re crazy.”
I might be.“What do you think?”
She scrunches up her face in a way I find endearing. “I think you’re insane, but if that’s the case, then I’m crazy too because I like it.”
If you only knew the things I’ve done… and will do for you.
“Your opinion is the only one that matters,” I say. She beams up at me and that familiar ache in my chest returns. The one that only happens because of Calista. “Let’s get you to bed.”
She nods, but when I lift my torso she goes completely still and squeezes her thighs. A wince has her brow wrinkling and I immediately stop moving.
“It’s fine.”
“Look at me.” She flicks her gaze to mine and I search it, finding unease and needing to reassure her. “You shouldn’t be sore for very long.”
“It’s not like I’m a virgin, but I—”
I slam my mouth to hers, smothering the words that could send me into a rage. Calista yields to me, her lips parting and her body softening underneath mine. I kiss her until she wraps her arms around my neck, any lingering discomfort far from her mind.
“If you say another man’s name while wearing my cum on your skin, I’ll kill him,” I say.I might anyway since he had the privilege of your body before I did.“One thing’s for certain, I’ll be the last person to fuck you.”
“Hayden.” My name is a gasp. Or perhaps a wheeze.
“Good girl. That’s the only thing I want to hear from you.”
“Oh, my God.” Calista’s gaze bounces back and forth between my cock and her cunt. It makes me hard. Then her chest starts heaving with her jagged breaths, bringing my attention to her beautiful tits. Now I’m ready to fuck her again.
“Did we stain the couch?” she whispers.
Amusement comes barreling up my chest. It catches me off-guard, but at the look of exasperation on Calista’s face, I don’t stop it. My laughter rings out in the open room. I can’t remember the last time I laughed like this.
She slaps my arm playfully. “I’m being serious, Hayden.”
It takes me a minute to get myself under control. For once, Calista has made me lose myself, but I can embrace it. “Nothing’s wrong. I told you I’d wreck you. Now let’s get you cleaned up.”
Her bewildered expression morphs into horror when I pull her into my arms, ready to carry her to the bathroom. “The couch,” she wails softly. “I’ve ruined it with our… sex.”
I laugh again, louder and longer than before. “It’s not ruined, it’s improved.”
“Ew, Hayden. Just ew.”
“We'll have to agree to disagree.”
“I need some sanitizer or you’re going to have to get rid of the couch. And that woman’s picture,” she mutters.