Page 55 of Once You're Mine

Hayden’s gaze meets mine, the blue within no longer ice. His eyes are a pair of blue flames, the hottest temperature, burning with an unholy wrath that feels like a wave of heat sweeping over my flushed skin. It sears me, rendering me ash that’s helpless against any type of force.

Right now, that’s Hayden.

He slaps a hand on Levi’s shoulder and yanks him away from me. My mouth drops open, and my arms fall to my sides as I watch Hayden confront Levi like an enraged husband. Even though he’s never even kissed me—and certainly never asked to.

Harper is by my side in an instant. She’s obviously in full control of her faculties while I continue to absorb the violent storm in front of me: Hayden, a tempest hell-bent on destroying anything in his path.

Does that include me?

“What’s going on?” she asks.

I don’t have the slightest idea. But even if I did, I can’t look away from the scene unfolding on the dance floor. Several people have backed up, creating an open space for Hayden and Levi. Smart move.

“What the fuck, man?” Levi shouts.

Hayden doesn’t answer him. No, he looks directly at me. “Would you like to explain it to him, Miss Green?”

His voice, calm and even, is easily heard above the loud music. Or maybe that’s just the effect he has on me. I shake my head. Emphatically.

“Is this the brother you were talking about?” Levi asks me. “I can see why you think he’s an overbearing prick.”

Hayden quirks a brow while looking at me and I flinch. “Brother?” he repeats. The attorney clicks his tongue in admonishment. “Miss Green, I thought you were above lying.” Then he turns to Levi. “If I’m her brother, then the things I want to do to her are beyond incestuous.”

“I told you!” Harper hisses in my ear, clutching my arm.

When Hayden reaches for his right cufflink, both Harper and I stiffen.

“Oh, fuck,” she says.

I repeat the sentiment under my breath. The last time Hayden acted this way, he was more than ready to beat the shit out of someone for harassing me. Does it matter that I encouraged Levi in this situation? If the fury etched into Hayden’s features is any indication, then he doesn’t give a damn.

“I warned you,” he says to me.

If he touches you, what I did last time will seem like a joke in comparison.

The warning rings loud and clear like a gong being struck, reverberating in my head. My fear, on behalf of Levi and myself, propels me forward. I rip my arm from Harper’s grasp and race to stand in front of Hayden, positioning myself between him and Levi.

“Please,” I say, holding out my hands. “Don’t do this.”

Hayden drops the serpent-shaped cufflink in my upturned palm. The ruby eye of the snake winks at me as the overhead lights shine on it. I fist my hand around the piece of metal and step closer to the man in front of me.

The one ready to defend me once again.

Whether or not I want him to.

“You’re so beautiful when you beg,” Hayden says. He reaches for the other cufflink, and I swallow the ball of nerves gathered in my throat. “As much as I enjoy witnessing that, I need you to understand that I mean what I say.”

He hands me the other cufflink and begins to roll up his sleeve. Panic like I’ve never known zips along my arms and legs like an electrical current, giving me a jolt. With one hand gripping his jewelry, I use the other to grab his dress shirt. My fingers curl around the expensive material, and I get on my tiptoes, still not close to his height, even with heels on.

Then I kiss him.



Earlier that day…

Calista Green has gotten through.