“I haven’t dated anyone else.”
Her lips pull to the side. “This is beyond me. When in doubt, ask Google. Unfortunately, being stalked isn’t on my list of personal experiences. Now, if you asked me how to Houdini yourself out of some Shibari knots, then I’m your girl.”
She waves a hand in dismissal before retrieving her cell phone from her apron pocket. “What to do when you think you’re being stalked,” she mumbles to herself.
I peer over her shoulder. “‘Avoid all contact.’ That’s going to be hard since I have no idea who it is.”
“‘Be alert and proactive to protect yourself,’” she reads. “Yeah, no shit. Don’t fail me now, Google. I’m counting on you. ‘Enhance security measures.’” She looks at me. “Do you have a gun?”
My eyes widen. “Do you?”
“Not yet.”
“I have pepper spray.”
“Put a knife under your pillow too,” she says. “What about a security system?”
I blow out a breath, disturbing the tendrils of hair resting on my cheek. “You know how much I get paid. It’s not like I can afford it, even with the extra hours I’m working.”
“‘Inform key people in your life,’” she continues. “Check. Once we tell Alex, that’ll be another check.” She jerks up her head to pierce me with a hard stare. “What about Mr. I-want-to-ride-your-dick-Bennett? He was super protective over you that one time.”
“And maybe he’ll care this time.”
I cross my arms. “No. I don’t want to have anything to do with him.”
“There’s something you’re not telling me.” She sweeps her gaze over my face as I fight off a blush. “Alotof something.”
I bow my head, unable to look at her. “If I tell you, will you promise not to tease me about it?”
She salutes me. “Cross my heart and hope to die while in the middle of an orgasm.”
Despite my best efforts, a smile tugs at my lips. It fades when I think of Hayden. “So… I might’ve gotten a job at T&A. Just long enough to pay my bills,” I say holding out my hands in supplication. “However, Mr. Bennett made me quit.”
“He what?”
I nod. “He marched me out of there like I was his unruly child and told me I could never go back. I think I worked there for a whopping three seconds before he showed up.”
“No, not nice.” I frown at her. “Are you not hearing me?”
“Kind of. I’m distracted by dick right now.”
“Harper…” I say, my tone full of warning.
She rolls her eyes. “Fine. It doesn’t matter anyway.”
“Why not?”
“Because T&A was burned to a crisp last week. It’s nothing but ash, so it’s not like you’d still have a job anyway. The way I see it, Mr. Spank-me-harder Bennett did you a favor.”
I press my lips together. Although I want to admit she’s right, I can’t. But only because I don’t want to be indebted to a man like Hayden. The payments would be steep. Perhaps even devastating.
“So, back to your stalker problem,” she says. “Have you received any messages or anything from this person?”