“Here you go,” I say, returning his pen back to him. “Thank you.”
Harper waves. “Have a good day, handsome.”
The guy dips his head in our direction. “See you next time.”
Before the man passes through the door frame, Harper is tearing into the package like a child on Christmas morning. Or a demon opening Pandora’s box.
“A cell phone!” She sets down the now-opened package and turns to face me. “Damn, that was fast.”
I shake my head, confusion etching itself into my features. “But I didn’t order one.” It only takes me a moment for realization to dawn. “Hayden.”
“He did this?”
“Yes. He said that he…”
Harper waves her hand in front of my face. “What did he say?”
“I don’t know how to say this without it sounding weird.”
“Oh, honey, I live for weird.”
Regardless of whatever situation I find myself in, my friend never fails to make me feel better. My love for her swells until I feel like it’ll pour out of me. I throw my arms around her in an uncharacteristic show of affection. She’s quick to return my hug.
“Thank you,” I say.
“For what?”
“Everything. Not judging me. Supporting me. Being an amazing friend.”
We separate, and she smiles at me. “Anytime, babe. I know you’d do the same for me.” Harper makes a circling motion with her hand. “Now give me the weirdness.”
I take a fortifying breath and dive in. “When I spoke to Hayden yesterday, he said that he wanted my phone number so that I would be accessible to him at all times because he doesn’t like to be kept waiting. When I told him that I didn’t have a phone, he said it would be rectified immediately.”
I point at the box. “He followed through.”
“Why is that weird?”
“He said I had to ‘answer his calls and promptly respond to his texts upon receiving them,’” I say, making air quotes while rolling my eyes. “It feels like he’s my older brother and I’m his kid sister. Like I’m someone he resents for having to look after.”
Harper’s brows rise, nearly disappearing into her hairline. “Honey, if the way that man looks at you is brotherly, then he’s seriously into incest because there’s nothing about the way he watches you that says ‘blood-relation.’”
My mouth falls open, and I stand there, blinking over and over.
“You heard me,” she says. My friend lifts her hands to make air quotes, her stance mocking. “That man wants to show you some ‘brotherly love’ like no one’s business.”
I snatch up the cell phone as an excuse to avoid looking at her. As soon as it’s powered on, the device chimes, indicating a text. I quickly go through the settings, finding that everything has already been programmed.
Including Hayden Bennett’s number in the contacts.
Hayden: As soon as you get this, text me back so I know you received the phone and everything is in working order.
My fingers immediately begin typing out a text, as if Hayden’s voice is in my ear and he’s standing right next to me. I hate how my body obeys him before my mind has had a chance to think it over.
Calista: I did. Thank you for the phone.
Hayden: You’re welcome. Keep it on you at all times and always answer me.
Calista: ??