Page 61 of Dare to Love

The rest of the night continued the same way, with them holed up in his apartment, sharing food, making love, and shutting out the outside world.

Until Sunday morning, when Ian went downstairs and returned with the morning paper. He drank orange juice; she sipped her coffee. She was looking into the back of the sports section that completely covered his face from hers.

“So this is how it’s going to be now? You ignoring me for the morning paper? That didn’t take long,” she joked, reaching for another section of the paper to keep her busy while he read.

“This from the woman who can spend half an hour looking through the apps on her phone?” he asked lightly.

She grinned, still enjoying this lighter, happier Ian.

She flipped through the lifestyle section, pausing at a black-and-white photograph. “It’s us!”

The picture had been taken as they exited the limo, Ian obviously holding her protectively. She smiled at the stern expression on his face.

“You’re not upset this time?” he asked.

She shook her head. “It’s not like everyone doesn’t know about us now.”

She’d called Alex earlier this morning, as promised, and assured him that Ian wasn’t upset, things were good, and he no longer had to worry about her. Ian had been by her side, and she’d chosen her words deliberately, wanting him to know she meant what she’d promised him.

He would come first.

Her cell rang, and she glanced down. “Alex,” she murmured.

Ian met her gaze, his expression bland. Whether it was a controlled look or not, she appreciated how hard he was trying.

“I’m sure my sisters will be next once they’ve seen the paper. They love gossip,” he muttered.

She answered the call. “Hi, Alex,” she said into the phone.

“I take it you’ve seen the paper?” he asked.

“We’ve seen it.”

“I hope your father hasn’t. The last thing you need is to be a public spectacle, and that’s what being with Ian will do for you.”

She frowned. “Don’t start.”

Ian met her gaze with a hard one of his own.

“I have to go. I’ll talk to you soon.” When she hung up, she forced a smile. “He saw the picture. He’s worried it’ll provoke my father somehow.”

“There’s a simple solution for that.”

Wary now, she raised her eyebrows. “What would that be?”

“Move in here.”

And things had been going so well. Had she expected Ian to change overnight? As long as he was being reasonable and compromising, she reminded herself.

“That’s ridiculous. And premature.” She’d planned to go home tonight. To take a long bath in her own tub, to play her music, and to gather her thoughts about this intense, emotional weekend.

She rose and walked to the sink to rinse out her coffee cup.

He came up behind her and bracketed his big body around hers, pressing against her, his erection thick against her backside. “I agreed to be reasonable and to back off outside the bedroom, but not when it comes to your safety.”

“A couple of heavy-breathing calls and one phone message don’t mean I’m not safe.”

“You’re safer here. With me. And for once, I think Alex would agree with me.”