Page 52 of Dare to Love

Hours into the event, Ian couldn’t wait to get Riley home, peel the dress off her body, and explore her inch by inch, first with his hands, then with his mouth. She was easily the sexiest woman here, not to mention the classiest. Her one-shoulder dress—black with silver trim, slit up one side—revealed an elegant expanse of tanned leg and an incredibly hot, ridiculously high-heeled shoe. His mouth watered, and his cock hardened and approved.

Knowing he had to remain at least through the speech portion of the evening, he’d settle for having a few minutes with her alone. His family had been monopolizing her time ever since they’d arrived. Since they were in public, he’d suffered through each of his brothers dancing with and probably grilling her, but she’d laughed and smiled and obviously enjoyed it.

He bit back his jealousy over other men touching her; they were his brothers, after all. He’d settle for killing them over a Sunday basketball game with well-placed elbow jabs and points scored. He wasn’t any more pleased with Olivia, her plunging neckline, and clear attempts to make Dylan Rhodes jealous by dancing with other men while eying him to make sure he was watching. At least Avery seemed to be behaving herself... so far.

Even his mother seemed to be enjoying herself, dancing with one man in particular all evening. That was something he intended to question more thoroughly. In fact, he made it a point to interrupt both of his sisters and at least find out what they were up to.

With Riley occupied by Tyler, Ian headed onto the dance floor, where his mother and a silver-haired gentleman were dancing and had been for quite some time.

“Mind if I cut in?” Ian asked.

“Michael, this is my son, Ian. Ian, this is Michael Brooks. His insurance company is a big donor for tonight’s auction.”

Ian nodded.

The other man extended his hand, and Ian took it. “I’ve been hearing about you all evening. Your mother is your biggest fan. And I’m impressed with all you’ve done for the team during your tenure.”

“Thank you.” Ian hoped the other man wasn’t trying to impress him for his mother’s sake. He hated suck-ups.

“Unfortunately, I’m a Breakers fan,” Michael said with humor and honesty.

“That’s a damn shame.” So much for his concerns, Ian thought, admiring the man’s truthfulness even if his taste in football teams sucked. “And my mother’s dancing with you anyway? I’m surprised.”

“I’ve won her over with my charm,” Michael said. “She’s a lovely lady. Well worth the effort.”

“I agree.”

“I’ll let you have some time together. I’ll wait for you at the bar, Emma.”

Ian’s mother smiled. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Nice to meet you, Ian.” Michael tipped his head and walked away.

Emma followed the other man with her gaze.

“Have you met him before tonight?” Ian asked her.

“We’re both on the Juvenile Diabetes Board that planned tonight’s event,” she said.

Ian pulled her into his arms, and they swayed in time to the slow music. “I’ll look into him,” he told her.

“You will not. I’m a big girl and—”

“What the hell are they doing here?” Ian asked, interrupting her as he caught sight of his father and Alex walking into the ballroom. Savannah was beside them.

“Who?” His mother glanced toward the entrance.

“My father, his wife, and Alex,” Ian said, any peace he’d been feeling this evening evaporating at the sight of them.

Ian had stopped dancing, but his mother pulled him back into their earlier positions. “Don’t let them rattle you or interrupt your evening,” she said firmly.

He acquiesced to her demands and forced himself to both relax and continue their dance. “I don’t understand how you do it.”

“How I do what, exactly?” his mother asked.

“Get past what Dad did? Go forward as if nothing happened?”

He met his mother’s gaze but saw no stress there, only understanding.