Page 40 of Dare to Love

Chapter Nine

Monday morning, Riley learned what crisis management meant at the Thunder front offices. Over the weekend, the travel secretary had informed Olivia that he’d be retiring and not returning to work when he recovered from his illness. Dylan Rhodes, who Riley had met last week, had been promoted to his position. He’d immediately begun making inquiries into new hotels, wanting to do things differently than his predecessor. As a result, Riley had been given a crash course in what it took for a hotel to become one the Thunder would be willing to stay in while on the road.

Under his direction, she’d looked into each hotel’s ability to accommodate team meeting space, the ability for their kitchens to meet the dietary needs of the players, and their willingness to block out whole floors, knowing full well they could end up with vacancies due to winter storms and travel delays.

As the workday eased into early evening, Riley was exhausted yet exhilarated. She loved her new job and the challenges that came with it. She came back from a bathroom break to find out that Olivia had left a message on her desk to come see her immediately.

She headed to the other woman’s office. As she approached, the sound of raised voices told her this might not be the best time to interrupt.

“This isn’t the change I want you to make!”

Riley recognized Ian’s sharp tone.

“Well, travel isn’t your domain—it’s mine, and I’m making it,” Olivia shot back.

Riley raised her hand, debating whether or not to knock.

“He’s a womanizing ass,” Ian said.

“No, he’s just single, and you’re jealous. This is ridiculous. Go back to your office and let me do my job,” Olivia said.

Figuring it was as good a time as any and not wanting to hear any more about Ian’s possible jealousy, Riley knocked.

“Come in!” Olivia called out.

Riley pushed open the door, and the other woman smiled. “Thank God it’s you.”

“I got your message.” She looked from Olivia’s relieved expression to Ian’s furious one. “But I can come back if this is a bad time.”

“No, your timing is perfect. First, thank you for jumping into the void and helping Dylan. He’s been extremely pleased with your work.”

“Thank you.”

Olivia smiled.

Ian watched their exchange in silence.

“Dylan asked that you be made his assistant, and I agreed. You two would be a good fit.”

Ian let out low growl that startled Riley, and she turned, meeting his gaze. “Problem?” she asked.

He opened his mouth, but Olivia beat him to speaking. “Before you accept this job, you should know it involves travel.”

“Really?” Riley had never been anywhere in or out of the United States. Even college had been local.

“Yes. You’d accompany the team on road trips, and since Dylan wants to make changes to the hotels when we’re on the road, you’ll need to continue your research in person.”

Riley’s eyes opened wide. “I’d get to go to places like San Diego?” she asked, naming just one of the cities in which she’d spoken to hotel managers today.

“Yes. And you’d have to leave today for Phoenix. If that’s an issue, I understand, but—”

“No! It’s not a problem,” she said, doing her best to remain professional and not jump up and down with glee over the opportunity.

Olivia’s amused grin told her the other woman had caught on. “So it appeals to you?” she asked, shooting Ian a look Riley couldn’t quite interpret.

“Oh my goodness, yes!”

“Great. So go home and pack. A car will pick you up around nine. You’ll take a late flight so you can get to work first thing in the morning.”