Page 33 of Dare to Love

When the elevator let her off inside Ian’s apartment, he was waiting for her, arms folded across his chest.

“A little late for the party, aren’t you?” he asked in a sarcastic voice.

“I can explain.”

“Don’t bother,” he told her.

“Ian!” a horrified female yelled at him.

Olivia, Riley thought, recognizing the other woman’s voice. She should have realized Ian wouldn’t be alone.

Olivia strode into the room from the direction of the kitchen. “Hi, Riley,” she said, subdued.

“Who’s here?” another woman asked from the other room.

“Come here, Avery. I want to introduce you to someone. Drag Scott and Tyler with you,” Olivia called back.

“This is a waste of time,” Ian said. “Riley’s not staying.”

Olivia scowled at him.

“What’s up?” A younger version of Olivia joined them, equally as attractive.

“Riley, this is our sister, Avery.”

Riley smiled at the other woman.

“Nice to meet you!” she said in return.

“Av, I think it’s time we all get going.” Olivia gave both Riley and Ian a pointed stare.

“Do I look like I’m leaving?” A tall, gorgeous man with dark hair strode in, raising his burger in his hand. “I’m just getting started.”

“Take it to go,” Avery said, obviously having picked up on her sister’s meaning.

Riley appreciated the girls’ attempts to give her and Ian some privacy.

Ignoring his sisters’ request to leave, the taller brother stepped closer to Riley.

“What’s up?” another man asked. He carried a beer.

Avery and Olivia let out a joint sigh.

If Riley weren’t so upset, she’d laugh at the dynamics between these siblings. She only wished she had a close family like this.

“These two Neanderthals are our brothers, Scott and Tyler,” Olivia said.

Riley studied them. Although they resembled Ian, they each had more playful qualities that were evident immediately by the twinkle in their gazes and the warmth in their faces. Ian at his most relaxed always looked tightly wound. His siblings had dark hair, but their blue eyes were almost purple, and each was drop-dead good-looking.Damn, their parents made gorgeous kids, she thought.

“Nice to meet you,” Riley said to them.

“Sorry to say hi and run,” Olivia said, nudging one of her brothers in the ribs.

“Hi, Riley. I’m Tyler,” he said, ignoring his sister. “And it’s always nice to meet one of my brother’s—”

“Shut up, Ty,” Ian warned in a tone that Riley had never heard from him before.

Scott grinned, unfazed by his brother’s anger. “I told you he was serious about this one.”