Page 15 of Fighting for Daisy

“So, you’re like a bodyguard or something?” Walter asked. “Is Daisy in trouble?”

“I’m sure it’s nothing,” Noah said. “The mayor’s just being cautious. Who are those women?”

“Them’s most of the Parker sisters,” Gene said. “Though half ain’t Parkers anymore.”

“Where’d they come from?”

“My guess is Lucy texted them soon as you and Daisy walked over here,” Walter said. “If you’re new, they probably rushed on over to check you out.”

“They got here fast because they’re right next door,” Archie explained. “Kate, the blond in the high heels, owns a real estate firm two doors down. Emma, the one with the wavy blond hair and little baby bump, is an accountant. Her firm is next door. Lucy, the blond with thebigbaby bump, looks like you already met. She owns this place. I suspect Lizzie will be along soon.”


“The fifth sister. She hasn’t moved over here yet, so she’s probably on her way from downtown.”

Sure enough, a minute later, a dark-haired beauty came rushing in and made a beeline for the group of women.

“Lizzie?” Noah asked unnecessarily.

“Yep,” Archie said. “She owns a bar on Main Street but is movin’ over here someday. If it ain’t obvious, Lucy and Lizzie are twins.”

The women were huddled in a circle, casting furtive glances his direction and whispering furiously. When he glanced their way, they all looked away quickly.

“Think they’re talkin’ about you, son,” Gene said with a chuckle.

“That does appear to be the case,” Noah said. “Not very subtle, are they?”

Gene chuckled. “Where you kids headin’?”

“New York City,” Noah said. “Apparently via some unknown, circuitous route.”

“Sounds like Daisy,” Gene said. “Should be a good time though.”

Noah took another glance at the women. They were laughing now.

“It’s a family of Barbies,” Noah mumbled, and the three men laughed.

“You should see their grandmother,” Gene said, waggling his eyebrows. “Those good looks run in the family.”

Finally, Daisy returned holding two to-go coffees and a brown paper bag of baked goods.

“Sorry about that,” she said, handing Noah his cup. “Crazy never takes a day off around here. In my family, there is no privacy, no secrets, and no boundaries.”

“Ah.” Sounded a lot like his own family.

“Those are my sisters,” she explained. “Dad told them he hired a bodyguard, and once I told Lucy you were the guy from the ATM robbery…Well, let’s just say I should’ve known better. My bad,” Daisy said.

“You’re Bomber Jacket?” Walter said. “You’re a legend.”

“Oh man,” Daisy said. “I gotta learn to keep my big mouth shut.”

“Bomber Jacket?” Noah asked.

“That’s what Daisy called you ‘cause she didn’t know your name,” Archie said.

“Oh,” Noah said. “Well, that was a long time ago.”

“Only a few months,” Gene said. “It was big news because armed robbery doesn’t happen every day in New Bern.”