Page 71 of Fighting for Daisy

Once he let go of the guilt, she’d seen a whole other side to him. Gone was the grumpy, stick-in-the-mud she’d met in her parents’ kitchen. She wouldn’t exactly call him wild and carefree, but he was definitely a more optimistic, I’ll-at-least-give-it-a-try kind of guy.

Even if he never became Mr. Spontaneous—and she harbored no illusion that he would—she loved him just the way he was. He was the yin to her yang, the peanut butter to her jelly, the calm to her crazy. They were perfect together, and she couldn’t wait to start their adventure as husband and wife.

* * *

Noah sucked in a deep breath, then headed down the aisle, Sophie Parker on his arm. He escorted her to her seat and took his spot next to the preacher. Between his family and Daisy’s, the place was packed. To avoid a wedding party larger than the audience, they’d agreed to only a best man and a maid of honor.

It had been three and a half months since meeting Daisy, and he’d now spent enough time with the Parkers to know that the merger of their families would be seamless. They were both their own brand of crazy, but also just as loving and accepting.

After relieving himself of the guilty burden he carried constantly and tracking down Daisy on that train, his life had kicked into overdrive. Everything happening at warp speed.

He and Daisy spent every available second together and found that their polar opposite personalities complemented each other in a way that grounded them both. He’d thought about waiting to propose, but in the end, only waited a few weeks. Not wanting to marry in the dead of winter, their options were to wait until spring or do it as soon as possible. He hadn’t balked when she picked sooner over later.

His niece, Kayla, walked down the aisle, carefully throwing rose petals along the path his soon-to-be bride would walk shortly. Dirk escorted Emma, who smiled, taking her place opposite Noah while Dirk took a seat in the crowd. That’s when everyone stood, and the bridal march started.

Only it wasn’t the bridal march anyone expected. The chorus of “Country Roads” blasted through the speakers as Daisy and her father danced down the aisle, Edward spinning her under his arm, both singing as they went. Noah couldn’t help but laugh as the audience chimed in.

When the song faded, and everyone stood in their designated spots, Noah took Daisy’s hands, and the preacher started the ceremony that would change his life forever.

The End

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Betting on Lizzie

The Parker Sisters—Book Five


This was not Lizzie Parker’s first break up. In fact, it was the second this week.

She stared at Andy, the handsome yet overly gung-ho man across from her. He’d stopped by the bar to ask if she wanted to meet his parents. Hard pass.

“We’ve only been on two dates,” Lizzie said. “What’s the hurry?”

“Well, I mean, you did just turn thirty…”

Oh, no, he did not. An eyebrow shot up. “And?”

Reading the room correctly, he shut up and shrugged. Unfortunately for him, the comment had sealed his fate. She was glad they were at her bar instead of her home. This pill went down easier with a crowd.

“I’m sorry, Andy. I’m just not girlfriend material,” she said. “You deserve someone better than me.”

Andy nodded silently, and she smiled.Thiswas her forte. Dating, she was only so-so at, but breaking up? Her time to shine.

“Well, I’ve got to get Charlie home for dinner,” she said, standing. “Keep in touch, okay?”