Page 39 of Fighting for Daisy

“Something like that.” Noah huffed. “Do your wives know you’re out here ogling her?”

“We’re watchin’ the kids,” Kevin said defensively, and they all laughed.

“She’s got some legs on her,” Owen said. “That’s for sure.”

Daisy had kicked off her high-heeled sandals and was dribbling the ball toward the makeshift goal—they had apparently switched to soccer. Her sundress fluttered around her legs, the sun bounced off her hair, and her infectious laugh floated in on the breeze.

Daisy was pretty. There was no denying that. But Noah was beginning to suspect there was more to her than that. She passed the ball to his niece, Kayla, then shielded her with her body while Kayla dribbled to the goal. Kayla scored, and the kids screamed like happy banshees.

Kayla ran to Noah to ask if he’d seen her score. He scooped her up in a hug and said yes. It had been the best goal ever made.

Kayla’s Down syndrome had been a shock to the family, but one they took in stride. They were grateful she was able to play and communicate. Her unique talents included melting hearts, coaxing smiles, and bringing joy to everyone.

Daisy came up behind Kayla, skin flushed from exerting herself in the heat, and a massive grin on her face.

“Your friend is pretty,” Kayla said, smoothing her hands over Daisy’s hair.

“She is,” Noah said. “But not half as pretty as you.”

“Daisy says you got a kitty named Mr. Fluffy Pants.”

“Oh, crap. The cat. Daisy, we should get him out of the truck. Even with the windows down, it’s hot.”

“Already did,” Daisy said, pointing to the ball of fluff sleeping near the back door. “You wanna pet him?” she asked Kayla, who nodded fervently and raced to where the cat lay.

Daisy helped Kayla pick it up and bring it to Noah. He hauled Kayla and the kitten onto his lap.

“Daisy, take a break,” Noah’s dad said. “Grab a beer and sit down.”

“Whew. Don’t mind if I do,” she said, catching the bottle Owen threw at her with one hand. She popped the twist-off top and took a swig before plopping down on the porch steps.

His dad coughed. “Boys?”

Noah’s brothers stood hastily and offered their seats. Noah tried standing, but with Kayla and the cat on his lap, it was a struggle. Daisy thanked them but said she was fine. After BSing with the men, she excused herself to see if his mom needed help with dinner.

“She seems different from Sarah,” his brother, Ronnie, said. “Just as hot, but way nicer.”

Noah and Sarah had dated for almost three years. He’d procrastinated proposing over a nagging feeling she was only with him for the money. Little red flags, like expecting lavish vacations, never offering to pitch in for expenses, and not caring what anything cost. When it came to light that she’d been cheating on him with a fellow officer, he’d broken up without a backward glance.

“And more down to earth,” his dad agreed. “More your type.”

“She didn’t care when Buster jumped on her. Or that Pearl spit up on her. Seems like a keeper to me,” Owen said.

“Does she know about the money?” Ronnie asked.

“No. There’s no reason to tell her,” Noah said. “Guys, I’m not dating her. She’s received some online threats, and my job is to protect her. Someone was following us, but I’m confident we lost him. I do want to ask that you keep an eye out for strangers after we leave.”

“So, you’re her bodyguard?” Owen asked.

“I guess you could call it that. And don’t say it,” Noah said, holding up a hand just as Owen said, “Ibetyou’ll guard that body.” Noah rolled his eyes as his brothers and in-laws laughed.

“Are you gonna marry her?” Kayla asked.

“Oh, no,” Noah said. “Let’s change this topic real quick.”

“I like cats,” Kayla said, hugging the kitten. “Maybe Mom will let me get one.”

Noah looked at Ronnie, who was Kayla’s dad, and raised a questioning eyebrow. “We just picked it up at the motel this morning. Probably needs a vet visit.”