Page 12 of Fighting for Daisy

“It would be horrible business to get involved with a client,” he said. “Especially when that client is the mayor’s daughter. Besides, if she’s that pretty and into making videos, she’s probably a spoiled, stuck-up snob.”

“Wow, nice alliteration,” Janet said, rolling her eyes. “It’s bad form to judge her before even meeting her.”

He shrugged. It didn’t matter what she was like. This was a job and nothing more. He would keep an eye on her during the day and work on his business plan for the new contract at night. Two weeks would fly by, and then his life would return to normal.


Daisy was not happy about this latest development. She never should have shared the threats with her family. They were nothing more than bluster from someone trying to scare her into leaving the race. But she was no pansy. And she needed this win.

It was Thursday, and she was all set to head out on her road trip. Her father had asked that she stop by before she left. Stupidly, she assumed it was to say goodbye and hadn’t foreseen the ambush of thrusting a babysitter on her.

“Dad, I don’t need a bodyguard. No one knows for sure that Veronica’s car crash was intentional. It could have been an accident.”

“Perhaps,” her dad said. “But what if it wasn’t? You seem to be the next target, and you’re headed out on a backroads road trip! How easy would it be to run you off the road?”

She didn’t have an answer for that. At least not one that would help her case.

“Emma tells me you’re in the top running and are the biggest competition for someone who wants to win at all costs. That’s great, but it puts a target on your back.”

“Emma’s too sweet,” Daisy said.And mouthy, she thought, still mad that Emma had sold her out. As her best friend and sister, she was supposed to have her back.

“Look, don’t think of him as a bodyguard,” her dad said. “Think of him as a travel companion who will also keep an eye out for you.”

“Honey, if nothing else, do it for me,” her mom said, putting her arm around Daisy’s shoulders. “I couldn’t bear it if something happened to you that could have been prevented. Sure, it’s just in case. But better safe than sorry.”

Daisy sighed. It was no use arguing withbothparents. Maybe if one had been on her side, she’d have a shot, but the two of them together were insurmountable.

“Fine,” Daisy huffed. “But if he gets in my way, I’m ditching him.”

“Please don’t,” her father said. “Also, he’s not as ‘wild and carefree’ as you, so maybe go easy on him, okay?”

“Oh, great. So he’s a bore too?”

“No. No, he’s great. Never mind I said that.”

There was a knock at the door. “That’s him. Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

Her father hurried to answer the door, probably assuming she was on the verge of changing her mind and sneaking out the back slider. He wasn’t wrong.

Daisy heard two gruff voices approaching and smoothed her hair, reluctantly prepping to meet her chaperone.

She was not prepared for what stepped into the kitchen. Tall, broad shoulders, and those unforgettable green eyes. It was Bomber Jacket!

“Honey, this is Noah Walsh,” her dad said.

“Holy crap,” Daisy said. “It’s you.”

At his dumbfounded look, she explained, “The ATM robbery a few months ago? You beat up the perp and made him give me my things back.” She mimed a karate chop and a ninja kick to help jog his memory.

“Oh, yeah,” Bomber Jacket said. “I thought you looked familiar. We don’t really use the word perp.”

“I never got to thank you.” Daisy threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. He tensed in surprise and remained frozen until she let go.

“So,” he said. “You’re a hugger.”

“Guilty,” she sang, ignoring the awkward moment. She was tempted to respond in kind to his snarky comment, but she had a reputation to uphold. Daisy’s online persona was cheerful, affable, and a tad ditsy.

“You’re the one that saved Daisy that day?” Daisy’s mom asked. “I’m Daisy’s mom, Sophie. I owe you a big thank you too.” She reflexively moved to hug him but stopped after seeing the look on his face. “We can skip the hug.” She held up her hands and backed away. Daisy snickered.