Page 4 of The SAA

Beauty and the Beast, the live version, not the animated Disney movie we all loved as a kid. I’m not sure if it’s the music, the story, or all the books in the Beast’s library. Giggling to myself, I pick up the last box and place it in the stack against the wall, making sure it’s labeled appropriately.

“Of course, it’s labeled, you nerd,” I say out loud in admonishment. “Your OCD wouldn’t let you just pack boxes without making sure the inner contents were clearly noted! Who are you trying to kid now, Nicole?”

Shaking off my obstinate thoughts, I check to ensure the door is locked, making a note to get a chain lock to add to the deadbolt and turn lock that’s already on the doorknob. If nothing else, it might be a deterrent if the person who broke in tries to gain access again. Of course, the cops didn’t see any signs of forced entry either. As I head into my room to get comfortable lounging clothes together for my shower, my phone rings. Seeing it’s Tressa, I hurry up and answer it, then head into the kitchen for something to drink before going back toward my bedroom.

“Hey, what’s up?” I ask once the call’s connected.

“Does anything have to be up for me to call and talk to my bestie?” she retorts, giggling. “I haven’t talked to you today, and since I didn’t feel like going for a run, I thought I’d call you instead.”

“Where are you at?” I ask her, visualizing the clubhouse.

“On the back deck with Nonna. She says ‘hey’, by the way,” Tressa says.

“Tell her I said hello back, please.”

“So, what have you been doing? Did you turn in your two-week notice yet? Were they okay about it? About you leaving? Have you started packing? Are you okay being there alone?”

She fires off questions left and right, not giving me a chance to get a word in edgewise before asking another one. I start laughing because this is typical Tressa. When she runs out of steam, I’ll answer.

“Okay, I think that’s all I have right now,” she states through my giggles.

“Let’s see, I’ve been working, of course. They didn’t have an issue with me turning in my notice of resignation, although I halfway thought they might tell me to just go instead of putting me on the schedule almost every day. Tomorrow’s the first day I’ve had off since I got back!”

“That means you haven’t had a lot of time to pack. Maybe I should tell Chaos I need to come early to help,” she muses, making me laugh again.

“I’ve been able to pack, woman! In fact, your office, the half bath, your room, the kitchen,andthe living room are done and dusted,” I retort. “In fact, I’ve got a lot done in my room as well!”

“Well, damn, Nini, that’s freaking awesome! I still feel bad that I didn’t come home with you to help,” she muses. I can almost hear her cog wheels turning.

I’m shaking my head in response even though she can’t see me. “I know there’s probably a difference between what we’ve read about shifters and the reality, but I couldn’t see Chaos letting you just take off when y’all are newly mated.”

She snickers and I can see the blush on her face even though we’re not connected on FaceTime. A lot of her confidence, which her step-monster demolished, is coming back now that she’s got a mate who worships her. I know he loves her which makes my heart happy. Maybe someday, I’ll have a love as heartwarming as hers, but I’m not holding my breath. Jeremy did a number on my psyche; I thought we were building something unbreakable, and was happy that he didn’t care that I’m curvy as hell. Well, actually, I’ve got a fuller sized Rubenesque figure if I’m being totally honest with myself. I tame my rolls and muffin top with shapewear, which makes it hard to breathe sometimes. Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk, as my granny always said when I’d cry to her over something.

“You make a good point,” she finally says, pulling me out of my thoughts. “Oh! I was going to tell you, I’ve just about got your suite of rooms in the clubhouse ready!”

“What do you mean? I was going to rent an apartment,” I stammer.

“No, no. This place is big enough and each room is very cozy. You have a small kitchenette, plus a sitting area complete with a fake fireplace. Well, I think it’s fake, it might be one of those gas ones. I’ll ask Chaos to be sure. A huge bedroom, double-sided closet, and an en suite bathroom.”

“Okay… how much is my rent going to be?” I ask. “I have to find a job when I get there, but I’ve got my savings.”

“Silly, you don’t have to pay rent!” she exclaims. “Don’t worry about any of that right now, alright? It’s all going to work out the way it’s meant to.”

I shake my head because she’s been all over the place as usual. “So, what about our furniture here?” I question.

“We’ll figure out what we’re going to bring back when me and Chaos get there. I know my bedroom furniture can be donated to a good cause since I don’t need it any longer.”

“Good point. Should I place a call to one of the charities and have it picked up?”

“No, wait until we’re there. It’s not like we’re going to arrive, load up then hit the road again. We’ll be there a few days and may have more things we can just donate.”

“Okay, that makes sense to me.” Starting over may be what we both need.

I don’t tell her about someone coming into our home and going through the boxes already packed, nor do I let her know that I’ve had that sensation of someone watching me. It’s probably my imagination, at least the part about being watched. I have the physical proof in the form of a police detective’s card with the police report number on the back to prove that someone did come into our home. There’s no need to worry her, even though I’m a bit skeeved out right now.

“Good, so we should be there late next week, I think,” she says.

“Whenever y’all get here will be soon enough,” I tease. “Are you sure about me living at the clubhouse? I don’t want to impose. I know I probably made a poor first impression on the crew with how bossy I was.”