Page 20 of The SAA

“I wasn’t involved in anything, Daddy. Nancy said we didn’t have the money, so I got books from the library,” Tressa replies.

“No horseback riding lessons or dance classes?” he slowly asks, rising to his feet. “No art camp, Girl Scouts, or soccer?” Didn’t he ever wonder why she never had any games or practices while he was home? Men can be so ignorant and clueless sometimes.

“No, sir,” Tressa replies. “Daddy? Are you okay?”

“I’ll be right back,” he states as he turns on his heel and heads out the front door.

I have a sinking suspicion as to where he’s going and who he’s getting, and my stomach sinks. We ran into her one time when we were out shopping; she didn’t say a word to Tressa or me. In fact, when Tressa did the proper thing and said hello, Nancy turned away as if she didn’t know her! This is going to be bad, I just know it.

“I wish Stealth and Chaos were up here, Tressa needs help, and I don’t know what to say.”

* * *

“Explain yourself,Nancy. My daughter says she was never involved in any of the things you claimed she was in,” Mr. Powers demands.

I can feel Tressa’s leg nervously shaking under the table, and reach over to take one of her hands in mine, while Nonna, who has remained remarkably silent so far, takes the other one.

“She’s obviously forgotten is all,” Nancy airily retorts, waving her hand. “Must be the drugs or something she’s now doing thanks to the animal she’s seeing. Nothing more than a common criminal.”

“You watch too much television,” Nonna advises. “Because if I had my choice of who to have in my life, I’d pick one of these men over someone like you.”

“Nancy, I entrusted you with the best possible thing I had, my precious little girl, and from what I’ve heard, and I’m sure it’s only the tip of the iceberg, you abused that trust. She might have been ‘cared’ for, but it sounds like it was just the minimum. What I don’t understand is why,” Mr. Powers says.

“Because the only reason you married me was to take care ofher,” Nancy shouts. “You never loved me, only her and her mother!”

“So, you treated my daughter like shit and alienated her from me because you were jealous? You’re a grown ass woman, Nancy! She was a little girl who’d lost her mother, for Christ’s sake. Where’s your compassion and understanding? Well, I’ve lost enough time with my child due to your machinations, but I won’t lose any more, especially not with a grandchild on the way,” Mr. Powers says. “I’ll have my attorney send the divorce papers, but here’s your verbal notice as well. You have two weeks to pack your shit and get out of my house.”

“You can’t do that!” Nancy shrieks, completely losing her composure. “Marital property!” She goes for the one thing she believes is her power play.

I snicker, because one way or another, she’ll be vacating that home. I hope she tries to be a ballbuster, because the guys will react in kind, and she won’t stand a chance against them.

“Sounds to me like she just did,” Chaos says. “You’ve overworn your welcome, ma’am, so I suggest you leave.”

I feel heat behind me and glance back to see Stealth there, looking intimidating as hell as he glares at Nancy.

“Don’t forget, you signed a prenup,” Mr. Powers adds, which makes Nancy nearly apoplectic as she turns on her heel and practically runs from the room. Looks like she’ll be huffing her way home in those heels.

I watch as Chaos kneels next to Tressa and takes her in his arms, whispering, “Are you okay? And what’s this I hear about a baby?”

She turns tear-filled eyes to him and nods. “I just found out this morning,” she says. “I was going to tell you but y’all had to, you know.”

I see both men nod at her reference to taking care of Jeremy. While I want to know how they knew we needed him, I realize now is not the time to discuss it with Mr. Powers still standing there. Is it true? Did he hear my voice and act? So many questions, yet I’ll have to wait to ask them.

“Tressa? I’m going to leave, but I hope you’re willing to consider rebuilding a relationship with me,” Mr. Powers quietly states. “Things will be a lot different moving forward.” Guess he wants to go home and make sure the she-devil doesn’t destroy his stuff in a fit of anger.

She does what I expect her to do, she launches herself into her father’s arms, crying and telling him she loves him. I knew she never stopped, she just had to protect herself from Nancy, so while I hated her having to revisit her past, at least she’s resolved it and it’s not hanging over her head any longer. Because every child needs as many people as possible to love them; this world is hard enough as it is.

“C’mon, my little spitfire, let’s leave them to their reunion,” Stealth says before scooping me up and walking toward the rooms.


Once we’reinside my room with the door securely shut and locked, I gently set her on her feet then kiss her as though my life depends on it. Because at this point, it does. I need her more than I need air to breathe. I don’t pull away until we’re both breathless, her face is flushed with desire, and her lips are swollen.

“How did you know we needed y’all?” she asks.

“I heard you, Nini. Through our bond,” I explain when she looks confused.

“Oh, so that’s what Nonna was talking about,” she murmurs.