Page 18 of The SAA

“What were you thinking, Fox?” I ask.

“Hmm, well, heat rises, so why not see how that thing will feel on his feet?” he retorts.

“Oh, hell yeah,” Chaos cheers. “Do it, Brother.”

Shrugging, I crouch in front of Jeremy, grateful that my brothers had the foresight to tie his legs down so he can’t kick me, then wave the torch across the arches of his feet. I’m pretty sure based on the string of curse words he’s screaming, it hurts, and I know for myself, that’s one of the most tender areas on my body. The skin bubbles up and blisters on the second pass, and on the third one, I smell the unmistakable odor of urine and realize good ol’ Jeremy has pissed his pants.

“Because no one would ever suspect her of anything!” Jeremy screams. “Her place was perfect since my house was always being watched by the feds. I would just run by there, and if I didn’t see her or Tressa home, I’d use my key, take whatever I had to hide inside, and tuck it somewhere, usually in a false bottom I created underneath the kitchen sink! Stop, please, for the love of God, stop!”

“So, who did the gems and flash drive belong to?” Fox questions.

“The Bastians! They took a job on for someone else for the gems, and I was to hide them until they asked me for them. But they disappeared, so I was going to fence them myself, and relocate. The flash drive is mine.”

“What’s the flash drive for?” Sly asks.

“I did the books for the Bastians but noticed some discrepancies on several accounts, so I made copies in case I needed it for insurance.”

“Wouldn’t have had to do that kind of thing if you had worked for a legit business,” Fox snarks, making all of us burst into laughter. “As far as the Bastians go, you won’t find any of those fuckers, except in Hell where they belong. Wait, yeah, you’ll see them again after all.”

“Let me go! You got the answers you wanted, I don’t have any more information,” Jeremy pleads, tears and snot now mixing with the blood that’s been steadily dripping down his face from Nicole’s earlier punches.

“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. You made the mistake of hurting my mate and that simply won’t stand,” I advise, walking toward him as I allow my claws to distend from my fingers.

“What the fuck are you? Some kind of freak?” Jeremy rages as I get closer.

I run my hands down his body until the rest of his clothes are in shreds at his feet. Once he’s naked, the damage from the auto accident is more apparent, as is what we’ve done with him so far. My next pass slices open the skin on his arms, chest, and back. By now he’s crying incoherently, but at this point, my wolf’s in charge.

“Not a freak, just your worse fucking nightmare,” I assert, running both hands across the top of his thighs which were already damaged from the claw hammer.

“Please, just kill me now, I can’t take any more. You can have the gems, just stop this,” Jeremy begs.

“I wish Stealth and Chaos were up here, Tressa needs help, and I don’t know what to say.”

Hearing Nini’s thoughts in my head stops me in my tracks, and I look at Chaos. “Something’s going on upstairs involving our mates.”

“Go, we’ll finish this up,” Fox commands.

He doesn’t have to tell me twice. I turn from the almost comatose asshole and after quickly washing my face and hands, I follow Chaos upstairs, where we walk into… well, chaos, of course.


“I’m happy for you two,”Nonna says as she puts ingredients into the mixer for cookies. “Nini, do you have any questions I can help you with? Anything you don’t understand?”

“I don’t think so, I mean, we haven't, you know, had sex yet, but he said he gave me my claiming mark after the wreck.”

“Can you talk to him in your head?” Tressa questions. At my confused look, she says, “All you have to do is think what you want to say, and he should hear it. It’ll get better once you’ve had sex, of course, but you should be able to do it now.”

“I don’t know, I haven’t even tried,” I admit. “But I will because that sounds kind of cool, actually.”

“It is when you live with a bunch of shifters who have supersonic hearing,” Tressa teases.

Nonna must see my face because she starts laughing then says, “Honey, don’t worry. Fox made sure all thebedroomsare soundproof.” Tressa joins in with Nonna, and soon, I’m giggling as well.

Because that thoughtdidcross my mind. I mean, I don’t know that I’m vocal while having sex, since Jeremy didn’t bring it out in me, but I suspect that Stealth has that ability, and just thinking about everyone in the clubhouse hearing me was a bit disturbing.

“I know Stealth forced your first shift, but once you’ve done it yourself, we’ll have to go for a run. You’ll enjoy the wolf side once you get used to her, Nini,” Nonna states while deftly scooping out the cookie dough and placing it onto baking sheets.

“I wish he had taken a picture so I could see how I looked,” I admit. I grab a spoon and help get the cookies ready to go into the oven, grinning when Nonna smacks Tressa’s hand when she tries to eat a raw one.