Being the third oldest son to the Alpha of our pack, I shouldn’t be a target in his sights, yet now that I’d begun showing signs of being an Alpha myself, my father took it to mean I would be that and that I’d eventually be challenging him for the head position.
As if I wanted to take over the pack he’d ruled with an iron fist and kept them bound to him out of fear instead of respect. I might have his blood coursing through my veins, but I never understood the mindset he had. My two older brothers had already been killed by his hands for the same reason, even though neither of them wanted to assume his role. All of us wanted nothing more than escaping his heavy-handed methods.
“I mean it, Stealth. I can’t lose another son, another one of my precious children,” she cried while trying to help me get up off the ground. “You have to go, Son. You have to run.”
“Right now, I need to get back to my room so I can heal, Mama,” I stated. “Then I’ll figure out where I’m going to go.”
“Good, good,” she murmured, her strong arms practically holding me upright as she walked me into the house and up to my room. “He’s leaving tomorrow for two weeks. Has a council meeting about territories, disputes, and that kind of thing. I think you’ll be good to go in a couple of days. You’ll be healed enough to get as far away from his enclave as you can.”
Sadness washed over me as I limped into the bathroom to take a shower while my mother gathered her healing herbs and bandaging supplies. While my shifter abilities would enable me to heal quicker than the normal person, her poultices would also help cater those natural attributes until they kicked in since my father had beaten me so severely. Under normal circumstances, I’d already be mostly healed and able to care for myself. But just like my brothers before me, he’d kept up a steady barrage of blows that temporarily shut down my wolf’s ability to do so. Not only did he damage my physical body, but he injured my wolf with his silver studded rings.
The hot water sluiced over my battered body, eliciting a few choice words as the deep cuts and abrasions stung. “Where am I going to go?” I muttered once I’d caught my breath enough to begin washing the blood, dirt, and grime from my battered body.
In the big picture, it didn’t matter; I’d find somewhere to live where I didn’t have to worry that I’d draw my last breath at the hands of my own father. At least with me gone, my father would turn his attention to other things, since all that would remain would be my sisters and he didn’t view them as a threat to his kingdom.
I scrubbed myself raw until the water ran clear, no longer tinged with tints of blood, then stepped out and quickly dried off before slipping into a pair of loose sweatpants. Walking back into my room, I saw my mother fidgeting and waiting, and I gave her a half smile, which was all I could muster at this point to express my gratitude.
“Thanks, Mama,” I said, moving toward where she motioned for me to sit.
“It’ll break my heart for you to leave, Stealth,” she replied as she began putting her salves and poultices on my various injuries. “But I’ve heard of a place and community where others who are like you can live in harmony.”
“What do you mean, others like me?” I asked, hissing in a breath when she applied some of her stuff to a particularly deep gash on my face.
“There’s a town in Texas called Zephyr Hills. The majority of the men there are from other packs, but they all have one thing in common, they’re all Alphas in their own right.”
“How is that possible? How are they not challenging each other to be top dog?” I questioned.
“The town itself was established by shifters who had nowhere else to go. They’d either been banished or were branching out on their own. One of the town’s laws or rules is that all can seek sanctuary there, and no one shifter will rule over the others. I think that’s where you should go, my son.”
“I’ll check it out, Mama,” I said, knowing it would be in my best interest to be gone before my father returned to finish me off. While I hated the thought of leaving my mother and sisters behind, I preferred being on the breathing side of the grass.
* * *
I finally arriveat the creek that runs through the property and start drinking from the stream to slake my thirst. Pushing the brutal and troubling memories aside, I once again think about Nicole. From the things I observed while she was at the clubhouse, she doesn’t think she’s got much worth to anyone. Including herself. I saw how after her initial meltdown, when she was demanding to see Tressa, she was polite to everyone but really only opened up around Tressa and Nonna. Whoever hurt her is going to pay dearly. I just have to find out the name of the fucker first. My thirst slaked, I turn on my paws and start heading back toward the clubhouse because I’m sure breakfast is finally ready and I’m here for it.
Bursting through the trees that border the backyard, I lope up the stairs, shift, then quickly redress before heading inside.
“Morning, Brother,” Chaos says, piling his plate high. “Shoulda said something, I’d have run with you.”
Shaking my head, I grab a plate and start adding food. “It’s all good, Chaos. Needed to clear my head is all.”
More brothers come into the kitchen while we’re sitting and eating, the smell of bacon luring them from their party infused sleep. I snicker to myself when I see how rough several of them look. One of the things I can say about my brothers, they work hard, but they party even harder.
“Shut it, fucker,” Ogre grumbles.
“No one said you had to try and tie one on last night,” Fox retorts. “When are you assholes going to learn that we metabolize shit too quickly to ever get more than a buzz.”
Ogre shrugs while piling his plate so high I fear for the plate’s integrity. “Always worth a try, Fox,” he reasons through a mouthful of food. “Besides, Renda and Teeny issued a challenge, and you knowIcan’t back down from one of those.”
Fox shakes his head in dismay before getting up to grab another cup of coffee. “When’s your woman coming back?” he asks me.
“Not my woman,” I coolly reply.
“Yet,” he says. “We all know the truth, Brother. Saw you walking around like a lovesick dog.”
“Well, we are wolves,” Sly adds before bursting into a peal of laughter. I’d hit him, but he’s the club VP, and I really don’t relish getting fined for acting rashly to his comment, so I keep my mouth plastered shut.
“She should be here in the next few weeks, maybe a bit longer,” Tressa says, having come into the kitchen to catch Fox’s question. Turning to me, she smiles as she plops down on Chaos’ lap. “You could always go and offer to help her get stuff packed up, Stealth. I mean, my office area alone is going to take days.”