Page 14 of The SAA

“As far as what happened, it was really a fluke accident. Some asshole wanted to merge in front of him, he wasn’t having it, apparently, because he sped up which caused the other vehicle to hit his. He lost control and was in the right place at the wrong time because his car slipped through that gap up there and went rolling down the embankment until it met the boulder,” Fox says. “And because she was fading, I gave her a healing infusion.”

I shudder to think what might’ve happened had Fox not seen them and turned around. The outcome could’ve been so different it doesn’t bear considering. “Thanks, Pres,” I whisper as I lean in and place my forehead against hers, uncaring that I’m now covered in her blood. “How are we getting her back to the clubhouse?”

“Sly called and one of the prospects is bringing a cage. He’ll ride your bike back.”

“Better not put so much as a scratch on it,” I growl out. Not that right now that matters, but it’s a knee jerk reaction to someone riding my bike, my possession. My wolf is very territorial.

“Yeah, yeah, as long as your mate is okay, you’re not gonna give a fuck,” Fox advises, smirking at me.

It’s as if he was reading my mind. Fucker. But he’s correct in his assumption. The reality is, if he does, I won’t care because at the end of the day, my mate will be alive.

“Alright, sweetheart, wish this was under better, more pleasurable circumstances,” I murmur, moving so I’m at the juncture of her shoulder and neck. Lengthening my incisors, I nuzzle the area then swipe my tongue across where I plan to place the claiming mark. Normally, this would happen with the two of us naked in bed, our limbs entwined, but the circumstances dictate that I do it now to save her life and heal her wounds.

As my teeth puncture her flesh, I feel our mate bond snap into place. For long moments, I push my healing blood into the bite mark I created in an effort to further jumpstart her healing. Hopefully, she’s not too far gone and will begin showing the outward signs of the change my bite has generated.

* * *

Not too long afterward,Chaos arrives, and hauls Jeremy, who’s now gagged because he woke up and started screaming, up to the box truck where he’s summarily tossed inside. While I’ll gladly listen to his wails of terror once he’s on our turf, right now, my focus is my mate, who still hasn’t woken up, but is showing outward signs that she’s healing. Tressa chose to stay with us and has been using the wet wipes in Ogre’s first aid kit to clean her up.

“Where the fuck is the prospect?” I ask Fox, who just hung up his phone. We’ve gotten lucky so far that the cops haven’t arrived on the scene, but I’m not holding my breath that no one will notice a band of bikes parked on the side of the road and the mangled guardrail.

“He got hung up at the railroad tracks, should be here in a few minutes. We just leaving the car?” he questions.

“Don’t see why not. If I need to, I can force a shift on Nicole so her broken bones heal. The rest looks like surface stuff, although it’s fucking with my head because she hasn’t woken up yet,” I answer.

“She will when she’s ready,” Tressa adds, interrupting our conversation. “Can I ask that Nini be allowed to help end Jeremy?” Love that she’s thinking about my woman, but ending a life is harder than it looks. It leaves scars that don’t always heal.

I’m already shaking my head in response as Fox uses his presidential voice and replies, “Sorry, darlin’, that’s under the bylaw of club business.”

“Considering he was stalkingherI think it kind of makes it her business too, though,” Tressa asserts, harrumphing.

Fox looks at me and I shrug; she’s not my mate, so I have no say over her actions. That’s all Chaos. But I kind of agree with her to a point. Maybe Nicole needs to face him and give him a piece of her mind before we end his pathetic life. My wolf howls his agreement, although I suspect he’d love it if Nicole appeared in her new wolf form to scare the hell out of Jeremy. It’s something to think about and run by Chaos. Granted, he’s our enforcer so he’s normally over the interrogations and shit, but with this involving my mate, and as the SAA, I’ll be there as will Fox, since he’s got questions of his own, and blank spots that need to be filled in. Such as, what the fuck was he so intent to get his hands on, and why?

To forestall any more of Tressa’s comments, I put my hand up while giving her my best, grim glare that usually puts an end to anyone speaking. She grins at me, so I know she probably won’t stop pushing the issue. Obviously, she’s grown immune to any kind of intimidation tactics, but with Chaos as her mate, I understand why since he’s as overbearing as I am sometimes. Not to mention, mates are an anomaly when it comes to our barks that have our enemies quaking in their boots. However, they don’t always work on our mates, and by the gleeful smirk on Tressa’s face, I think she’s already figured that out, and is pressing her chances that my techniques won’t work on her either.

I finally hear the sound of one of the club vehicles driving up, so I walk over to where Nicole is laying, although she’s now covered in a blanket that Tressa brought with her from their place. She doesn’t look as pale or lethargic, thankfully, but she’s still knocked out. Reaching down, I gently scoop her up into my arms, holding her close to my chest while scanning over her to see how the restorative healing is progressing. Even her arm and leg look better; in fact, the piece of metal that we left in her leg pushes out and drops to the ground because the wound is stitching back together, leaving behind a faint pink scar. I know from experience that’ll fade as well, but even if it didn’t, I wouldn’t care. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a badge of honor showing she survived what should’ve probably killed her. And it would have if she didn’t have a mate on standby to save her from the fate and danger her ex put her in.

“Sweetheart, gonna take you to the clubhouse now,” I murmur against her temple as I efficiently carry her as quickly, yet as carefully as possible back up the embankment to the waiting Tahoe.

Sliding into the backseat with her in my arms, I smirk when I see Tressa hop into the driver’s seat. When the prospect goes to say something, I stop him and say, “Go ahead and take my bike back, Prospect. Tressa knows her way to the clubhouse.”

“Got it, Stealth,” he replies, tilting his head in respect as Tressa puts the Tahoe in gear and hits the gas.

* * *

I knowI’m a cold-hearted son of a bitch, but when Tressa tries to come into my room, I can’t help the growl that emanates from deep inside. My wolf isn’t having it. He’s being protective and territorial right now, and since he’s so close to the edge, I’m glad Chaos, being sympathetic to the situation, took her by the hand and led her away. I’ll apologize to her later; but my animalistic side is in control. I need to clean her up and the only way I know how to do that is by undressing her and bathing her. I refuse to let anyone, even her best friend, see her nude.

While the thought of having my hands on her has my dick standing at attention, this is about more than sex or physical intimacy. It’s about taking care of my mate in all ways. I just hope she handles it well when she realizes it was me who took care of her.

Smirking, I gently put her on the top of the bed before I head into my en suite and start running the tap water in the tub. Once I’m satisfied with the temperature, I put the plug in the drain so the tub fills, then add some Epsom salts. As far as I know, they’ve got curative properties. At least, that’s what my mother always swore by, anyhow. While the tub fills, I gather several towels and a washcloth, then re-enter my room so I can get her undressed.

“Which will be better?” I ask myself as I stare down at her. “Put her in front of me so I can use my body to hold her up, or risk her slipping under the water while I’m kneeling alongside the tub?”

At my wolf’s snarl, I grin, since he feels we need to get in the tub with her to protect her from drowning. Since I agree with him, I quickly undress myself, then strip off her clothes, doing my best not to get lost in her curvaceous body. I want to spend hours worshiping every dip and curve until she’s panting out my name.

“Soon,” I promise my dick which is now proudly jutting out as I pick her up and walk back into the bathroom.

I step inside, then manage to sit down and maneuver her in front of me without dropping her, or killing either one of us, which I consider a good thing. Since she has blood in her hair, I tip her head back over one arm, then carefully pour water over her strands until it’s wet enough for me to shampoo.