Page 71 of Teach Me

I rested my forehead against hers. “If it were up to the star quarterback, we’d be doing a lot more than kissing,” I joked, pecking her on the lips one more time. As I tried to back away, she didn’t let me.

Her fingers grappled into my jacket, holding me in place, waiting for me to take the hint.

I was guessing this was her unsubtle way of asking me to take control of the kiss, something I’ve learned she liked. Deepening the kiss, I swiped my tongue across her lips, and she opened her mouth, letting our tongues meld together.

When Aster’s head fell back onto the books, I knew I was hitting all the right spots, so I kept going. Dropping kisses down her throat, all the while checking that no one was coming down here to see if they could find a book on how to uproot their vegetables.

Her hands gripped me tighter, urging me to keep going. So I did. I dropped one of my hands, so it was resting on the small of her back, feeling her skirt fabric hovering in the air because of the angle she was leaning.

I so badly wanted to move my hand under the fabric and finish what we started on that field, but if there was any truth behind what Connor said, I’d need to take things at Aster’s pace, and let her guide me.

“I thought you didn’t like doing this in public?” I swiped my tongue across her skin, tasting the sting of the perfume she must have put there, and she gasped.

“Maybe I misjudged it,” she huffed out on a sexy mewl, her hips gently rocking toward my thigh.

Aaaand, I was going to have to end this now. I reluctantly pulled away and let out an exasperated breath.

“Why’d you stop?” Aster’s voice was dripping with disappointment, but she how no idea what this kiss was doing to me.

I closed my eyes, willing myself to admit it to her. “Because if I don’t, we might have a problem.”

“What kind of problem?”

I looked down on her because she couldn’t have been seriously asking that, could she? “I think if you move your hips just a tiny bit to the right, you’ll know exactly what kind of problem I’m referring to.”

She bit her bottom lip, looking down as her cheeks blushed.

“Now, if you don’t mind. I am going to get a glass of cold water to cool myself down. You browse whatever section you want, and I’ll be at our table with a caramel latte whenever you’re ready.”

“Caramel latte?”

“Yeah, with cream and sauce, right?”

“Right, but how did you know that?”

I smirked. “You really don't give me any credit, do you Aster? Not to sound arrogant, or anything, but you don’t get to be one of the best quarterbacks in college football without attention to detail.”

“Now, you really do sound like Joe Goldberg.”

I waved her off as she huffed out a laugh. “Just go and find your books. We'll be good.”

“If you insist.”

“And I do.”

I took my time walking up to the coffee bar, partly because I was trying to let my boner calm down before anyone else saw it, and partly because I didn’t like leaving Aster.

She watched me, and when I finally got to the bar, I gave her a little wink.

She just laughed before turning on her heels and getting lost down the aisles.

Chapter 13

“Three books? After an hour and a half of browsing. That's it?” He looked at my pile dismally. “I really thought you'd have so many that I'd have to help you carry them back.”

I looked back at the aisle's longingly and then to my pile. “These have been on my TBR for the last two months. I really want to read these.” My hand smoothed over the cover, and I loved how the silky matte felt under my skin. The only indentations were the title.

“Okay. Take a seat. I'll be back in just a minute.”