Page 37 of Teach Me

She looked down, finally removing her hand. “Trust me. If this doesn’t work, we can try something else.” I nodded, still unconvinced by these simple methods, but if this woman was as much of a wizard as everyone suggested, I was willing to try.

Aster leaned back in her chair, and taking her advice, I focused on her almost perfectly symmetrical face with just the slightest hint of freckles underneath. “So, this chapter will be important for your report because it’s all about the sports consumer. A consumer is anyone that watches, listens, plays or officiates sports. Essentially a sports fan. It’s obvious that when marketing, you need to focus…”

Aster was still talking, but I wasn’t paying attention because I was watching her lips move. Plump and red. They matched her hair perfectly. Speaking of, her hair cascaded down one side of her shoulder in loose tendrils, framing her angled features, and stopped right at her chest.


Look up. Look up.

There I go again, ogling my tutor because, damn, she was so hot, but she was still talking.

“Tanner.” I gulped, meeting her piercing green eyes, and she looked less than amused. “Were you listening?”

“Uh, huh?”

“Then please explain what market segmentation is?”

Well, shit.

She’d outed me in the first five minutes. I tried to remember everything I’d listened to in class over the past year, and I spouted out, “Age.” On the off chance that it was right.

“Yes, that’s one of them, and that falls under demographics.” I metaphorically wiped the sweat off my brow because I got away with it… barely.

“Geographics, product benefits and psychographics also fall under segmentation for analyzing purposes.”

I nodded, got my pen out, and started writing what she was saying. She rested her hand on top of mine, and when I shifted my gaze to her, she gave me a small smile. Something about it made me feel like my chest was about to burst. Maybe it was because her large rack was resting against the tabletop, and it was more like my dick was going to explode. I didn’t know at this point because there were too many conflicting emotions running through my head, and I was just trying to force myself to focus.

“No writing,” she said. “You just listen. I’ll write notes that should be more useful for you and give them to you at our next session.” Aster picked up her phone. “I’m going to record the next part of our conversation, so you have it for later. And now, all I want you to do is have a conversation with me about Market Segmentation and what that might mean for marketing the Covey U football team.”


And that was how the session started. By the end, I’d verbally outlined three quarters of my new report and was itching to get it all written on my laptop. Something I had never been excited to do before.

“Guys,” Ralph poked his head around the corner. “The library is closing for the night.”

I looked at Ralph, then down at my watch. How could we already be finished?

“Thanks, Ralph,” Aster replied, refusing to acknowledge him beside that. He looked at me, fear evident in his face. I guessed I wasn’t the only person Ralph ticked off.

I checked my watch. “Shit. It’s eleven o’clock. Where did the time go?” I hadn’t realized that we’d been talking for the last three hours. All I was focused on was listening to everything she was saying because whenever I got something right, she’d do this little pen flick I liked. The longer that I spent in her presence, the more I liked being with her. She was quirky, but had a determination and passion that I hadn’t seen in many other people.

“Outlining your report.” She tapped away on her phone, not looking at me. “I’ve sent you the voice file to your email, so you have it for when you write the report. You can either have it done for our next session, or you can email it to me, and I’ll see if there’s any glaring issues before our session, so we can go through it. Next Friday, I’d like to spend most of our time on Economics if that’s okay?”

I took in a sharp breath, wincing. “That’s going to need more than one session. I’m really not great at numbers.”

“Well, look at it this way. The only way to go is up.” We packed our books up in silence, but as I watched her, I felt compelled to speak.

“Aster?” She let out a little ‘mhm’ in response. “I just wanted to say thanks.” She looked up, flicking her hair over her shoulder. “For believing in me.”

She gave me a small smile, and it seemed like this session had softened her. She didn’t look like she was planning all the different ways to kill me, at least, and that was a nice change.

“You don’t need someone believing in you to do well. You just need someone to show you the best way to learn. Frankly, I feel like sending your high school a stern letter, because you pick things up fast when it’s catered to your style of learning.”

My chest puffed out because I’d never been complimented like that before. Sure, people said a lot of things about my throw and game play on the field, but no one ever made me feel smart. “Still. You’ve done more for me in just the last few hours than any of the other tutors in this place.”

Aster picked up her bag, hardly acknowledging the compliment. “Anyway, it’s getting late. I should probably get back to my dorm.” She tipped her head in the door's direction, and as she turned to walk out, I was hot on her heels.

“Let me walk you home.” As fast as she walked, I could easily catch up to her with my bigger stride.