Page 96 of Teach Me

“About that. Do you know why I called you here?”

“Nope,” I popped out. “And to be honest, I’d like to get this over with as you interrupted dinner with my boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend?” She raised her brows in surprise. “Is that what he’s letting you call him now?” I nodded, not dignifying the rest of it with an answer. “Shocking.”

As she flicked her perfect blonde hair over her shoulder, I studied her, wondering how she managed to wield so much power in this place. I didn’t know her well, but from every interaction I had with her, I could tell she wasn’t to be trusted. So how did she manage to get the top position in the sorority?

She must have been smarter than I thought to have tricked so many people into believing she'd be good for this job. Either that, or she did actually bribe as many sisters as she could.

She started typing on her MacBook, staring at the screen with such intensity, I almost thought she forgot I was here.

Still adjusting myself in the chair, because it was one of the most uncomfortable things I’d ever sat on, I narrowed my eyes at the girl who forced me out of Tanner’s house for this inconsequential chat. I didn’t want to be here, and I knew that we’d most certainly missed out on any alone time in the house, all because I came here for an urgent meeting.

Rachel flicked her gaze at me and smiled. “So, I've been going through your sorority application…”

“Oh, yeah?” I could hardly remember what was on that thing since I completed it at the beginning of the year to make my mom happy. It wasn't something I spent much time on, and I was almost certain I was being pedantic for seventy-five percent of the answers.

“Yes, and I’m sorry I didn’t look at this sooner, because I wouldn’t have put you through the out of rush recruitment process, since you aren’t a good fit for Alpha Delta Theta.”

My eyes bugged out in surprise. “I’m not?”

She tried to tame her lips from smiling, but she wasn’t able to stop herself. She enjoyed ticking me off and wanted me to know it.

“Yeah,” she drawled out. “I’m sorry, but although you've got the grades to be a good fit, you haven't done enough elsewhere to really be considered Alpha Delta Theta material.” She squinted her eyes and clicked her tongue over her teeth. It was incredible how bitchy she could sound without even trying.

“Oh, really? What things would you need me to do?” I was just humoring her now because my interest in joining was waning.

“You don’t have any volunteering.” That was reasonable, but it did still feel like Rachel was trying to find any excuse to reject my application.

“That's because I spend most of my time tutoring. Isn't that considered a public service? I don’t get paid for it.”

She pouted her lips out, thinking for a second. I guess I spoiled her plans there. “You know what? You're right. You do tutor, but not out of the goodness of your heart. You get credit for it. And you also have helped none of your struggling sorority sisters. Is that the value you would add if we let you join? You’d help your fellow sisters with their homework?”

Why did it feel like she was implying that I wouldn’t just behelpingthem with their work, but I’d be doing it for them? Connor came to mind, and I couldn't help but feel angered…

What am I doing here? Why am I even entertaining this thing? I don’t want to be here. They don’t want me here. I don’t fit.

The only thing that made me cling to this sorority was my mom. Did she even want that for me now? Ever since I started telling her about Thea and her antics, the questions about the sorority became less and less. The only time she mentioned it this morning was to ask if Tanner was the one to take me to their ball. Maybe it wasn’t the sorority my mom was so hung up on, but that I could make friends, and not just think about my work.


Even thinking about how pushy she was about me having buddies made it sound ridiculous. What twenty-year-old is trying to make friends? People my age have friends by default, and I guessed that was what happened with me. Thea became a friend without trying, and Tanner… Well, I’d consider him more than a friend since I was getting to know him in more than friendly ways.

“Aster? What do you think? Helping us with our homework, and you can get in the sorority?”

I pouted my lips out. “You know what? I think I'm going to pass.”

“Sorry. What was that?”

“It’s a strong pass. I think you’re right. I’m not the right fit for this place, and I’ve got enough on my plate. I'm not interested in helping all the sorority sisters. I don’t have the time.” I was trying to be nice, but I could hear the bitchiness in my tone. I couldn’t help it when I was faced with her.

She cackled so loudly I was almost certain that Tanner could hear it outside. Honestly, I was almost certain she’d had a nose job, a boob job, maybe even some fillers, and I found it pretty odd. She changed everything about herself, but hasn’t once attempted to change her laugh, and that would be the first thing I’d do.

“Is that your way of saying that we’d need to date you to get you to help us?” The smirk on her face grew, and my stomach knotted slightly, because I knew exactly what she was referring to. “You know what I find hilarious? Everyone seems to think you’re some amazing tutor who’s able to pull the best out of people in a short time. I mean, look at Tanner. No wonder he’s clinging onto you like a fly to shit. You got him back on the football team, didn’t you?”

Her eyes narrowed, and I played dumb.

“If there’s something you want to say, just say it.” I was tired of her flair for the over-dramatics.