Then the temp position at Blunts had locked her Little away. There weren’t any Daddies or Littles at the club and when she’d asked cautious questions, several Dominants had spoken dismissively of the one Daddy-Little couple who had been members years before. She’d still explored submission with occasional scenes, but without letting her Little peek through.
At the Ranch, she’d finally seen Littles in their full glory. She was entranced. Her own Little tugged and strained inside her chest all day, wanting to play, to experience all the joy she saw on the faces of the Ranch’s Littles.
Tentatively, she began dipping a toe in the waters of her own Littleness. She’d always had a fascination with amphibians that could live so much of their lives in the water. She’d collected glass and ceramic frogs since she was a kid. While at the Ranch, she expanded her collection with stuffies, which now slept with her every night. Taking it a step further, she’d ordered a special swaddling bag through the Ranch store. On nights when she couldn’t sleep, she zipped herself and Frances, her favorite froggie, into her swaddling bag and slept completely safe and warm.
She’d started looking at Little clothes and an adult pacifier but hadn’t jumped into the deep end yet.
Be brave.
She knew a date with Sutter wouldn’t just be a date. It would be the first time she let herself be Little with a Daddy. It would be throwing open the door to where her Little kept knock-knock-knocking inside her.
Be brave.
Knowing to the minute how long it took Sutter to clean the pool, she dried her hair, styling her bob into sleek feathers that framed her face, and checked her makeup. With her summer tan, she didn’t usually wear anything except moisturizer and SPF. Knowing today was the day Sutter would come, she’d slicked on waterproof mascara and a ruby lip gloss this morning.
The mascara was not as waterproof as it claimed. Saoirse tidied up her panda eyes and regarded herself in the changing-room mirror.
You can do this. He said he’s leaving soon anyway.
Daddy!Her Little wailed.
He’s just a guy, she reminded herself, trying to placate her Little. A good-looking, muscular guy with deep green eyes and big hands and a casual air of dominance. A guy whocared.
Be brave.
She collected the piece of paper and gripped it like a talisman as she went to find Sutter.
He was bent over the filter enclosure. The filter’s top was off. Saoirse briefly wished that Sutter’s top was also off before she shook the thought out of her head.
She stopped a few feet away. “Hi, Sutter.”
He lifted his head. His eyes found hers, the corners crinkling as he smiled. “Hi.” He stretched, reaching deeper into the filter mechanism. “Bear with me a minute. I have something to show you.”
She tip-toed a step closer and waited.
Grinning, he pulled his arm out of the filter and straightened up. “How do you feel about amphibians?”
He couldn’t possibly know about her collection. Could he?
“I like them,” she said cautiously.
He opened his hand and showed her a small, spotted frog, as green as his eyes.
“Oh!” She stepped forward, cupping her hands. He gently tipped the frog into her palms. It looked up at her with black button eyes.
“How did it get in the filter?” she asked.
“Looking for water, but that’s not a good place for it. Pool chemicals and frogs are not a great mix.”
Saoirse forgot all about her embarrassment as she looked down at the tiny animal in her hands. “We have to find it a safe place.”
“I know a good spot,” Sutter offered. “Would you take a ride with me? I have an empty cup to put the frog in if you don’t want to hold it the whole way.”
Saoirse nodded slowly. She wanted to make sure the tiny frog found a good home. But did she know Sutter well enough to drive off the Ranch with him? While Sutter got the frog into the cup with a little clean water, she ran back to talk with Carrie. She arranged for a system of safe texts and apologized for the imposition.
Carrie waved her off with a smile. “Tell Mr. Pool Cleaner good job for finally getting up the gumption to ask you out.”
Heat flooded back to Saoirse’s cheeks. “What do you mean?”