“Ask me to help,” he repeated. “I know you can’t sleep. And I know what you need. Ask me to help and I will.”

She swallowed. “Wha-what do you think I need?”

“Iknowwhat you need. You need a warm bottom like all those Littles back at the Ranch. That will help you sleep good and deep. Ask me.”

Saoirse twisted her hands together. Shedidwant that. And now that he’d mentioned it, there was no way she’d get to sleep without it.

She formed the words with her lips several times before she pushed air through them. “Sutter, would you please help me?”

“Of course.” He unzipped the sleeping bag—the nights in the mountains were already getting cold, although Saoirse was toasty in her sleeping bag and borrowed sweats—and slid his long legs out. He set his feet on the polished pine floor and wiggled his toes, which made Saoirse laugh.

He slid back and patted his knee.

“Come on, darlin’. Right here.”

“Darling?” Saoirse arched her eyebrows even as she climbed off her part of the couch and approached him.

“Sweetheart? Babycakes?”

Saoirse giggled. “Darling’s better than those.”

“Good, I like darlin’. And I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it, Saoirse. You are darling.”

In the intimacy of the dim, early hours, with this gentle giant, Saoirse felt darling. She felt Little and cared for.

Sutter held out his hand and she took it.

He didn’t ask if she knew the right position. He just drew her down and gently arranged her over his knees. He stroked her head as he guided it down until she could rest her cheek on the couch cushion. She pillowed her cheek on her arms. Instead of having her put her feet on the floor, he lifted her legs, bent them at the knee, and propped her shins on the arm of the couch.


“Yes,” she sighed. “This isn’t a position I’ve done before but it’s very comfortable.”

“Have you been spanked as discipline?”

She nodded, rubbing her cheek against her forearm. “A few times.”

“If this was discipline, I’d use a different position. This is just to help you relax and sleep.”

“Thank you,” she said, shifting until she was balanced on his knees.

“Can I take down your sweatpants, darlin’?” he asked, circling his hand over her hip and running a finger along the faint panty line beneath the fabric her current position made visible. “I can see you’re wearing undies.”

“Yes. Can you just take the pants off? I should have earlier. I’m too warm.”

“Of course.”

Sutter gently drew them down her legs, brushing his fingertips up and down the arch of her foot until she giggled. He tossed the sweatpants over the back of the couch. Saoirse felt the cool kiss of air over her bare legs and relaxed even further. She’d been too warm in the sleeping bag with the sweatpants on, even if she hadn’t been consciously aware of it.

Sutter stroked her legs, his palm sliding over her cooling skin. Saoirse had never felt one way or another about her body, other than how fast it could push through the water. She didn’t spend much time looking in the mirror. Until she started at M Street, she hadn’t spent any time thinking about what she dressed her body in so long as it didn’t bind or hinder her movement.

But once she started working at a sex club, she realized she could drape her long, lean form in leather, satin, and lace so Doms didn’t notice her surgery scars or the stretch marks from strength training, but rather focused on her curves, the suppleness of her skin. She hadn’t dressed for Sutter; now she wished she had. She wished he was touching her through silk stockings, tripping his fingers over a lacy garter, and fingering a satin thong. Instead, there was only bare skin and cotton under his fingertips.

Fortunately, Sutter didn’t seem to mind. “You’re beautiful, darlin’. I know you don’t realize it. Maybe you don’t care. But you are.”

“Thank you,” Saoirse whispered into her forearm. “I wish I’d dressed up for you.”

Sutter rubbed his big palm in a circle over her bottom, sliding from skin to cotton to skin. “I’d never say no to seeing you in something pretty, but you’re beautiful in just your skin. You don’t need anything else. I don’t want you to think any more about what you’re wearing or what you look like. Just focus on how you feel.”