“And has she now received food and water?”

“Yes,” the doctor said.

“Did you take any blood samples from Miss Fay?”

“No, I was specifically told that I couldn’t bring sharps into the cell. Hard to draw blood without a needle.”

“Uh, right.” The attorney fumbled for a moment. “But you didn’t take a urine sample, either, did you?”

“No, I saw no clinical need for a urine sample and it was unlikely Miss Fay would be able to produce one given that she hadn’t had any fluids in over twenty hours.”

“Um, yes.” The attorney pushed the papers on the table in front of him around. “Nothing further.”

“Thank you, Mr. Federico,” the judge said. “Mr. Stark, any questions for the witness?”

Saoirse’s attorney stood. “Doctor Carter, are you trained to recognize the signs of drug abuse?”

“Yes,” the doctor replied.

“In your medical opinion, does Miss Fay show any signs of drug abuse?”

“Objection,” Mr. Federico said. “Calls for speculation. Lack of foundation.”

“Overruled,” the judge said. “Doctor Carter, please answer the question.”

“In my medical opinion, Miss Fay does not show any signs of drug abuse.”

“Thank you, Doctor Carter, nothing further.” Jared sat down.

“Mr. Federico, I’ve allowed Mr. Stark a witness so I’ll allow you to call a witness if you have one. I’d be particularly interested to hear, for example, from your boss.”

The county attorney looked down at his papers instead of meeting the judge’s sharp gaze. “Uh, I’m not authorized to call Mr. Brice as a witness, Your Honor.”

“No? Shame. I’d very much like to hear his opinion on why Miss Fay was held for twenty hours without water and was denied medication for what’s clearly a life-threatening condition. Miss Fay, as Mr. Stark is able counsel, I’m sure he’s advised you that you do not have to testify or present any direct evidence. However, I have one question for you. Mr. Stark will have the opportunity to object to my question and Mr. Federico will have the opportunity to cross-examine, limited to the subject matter of my question. If you would agree to take the stand, I’ll ask the question.”

Sutter’s eyes tracked to where Saoirse was sitting. Her attorney had leaned over and was whispering in Saoirse’s ear. Sutter was torn. He didn’t want Saoirse to endure the stress of testifying. But he thought the judge seemed sympathetic and maybe if he heard from her, he’d order her release.Be okay, baby, he thought.Please be okay for just a little longer.

Saoirse nodded in response to whatever Stark was saying. When the attorney leaned away, Saoirse stood. “I tes’fy, Yer Honor.”

The blood drained from Sutter’s head so sharply he felt dizzy. Saoirse normally spoke quietly but crisply, with the authority and enunciation of an experienced teacher. Hearing her slur, realizing it was because she’d bitten her tongue during the seizure, made Sutter both sick and murderously angry. It took all he had not to jump over the railing and wrap his hands around the county attorney’s neck. Or perhaps it was Derek Hawkins’ hand landing on his thigh that kept him pressed to his seat.

“Thank you, Miss Fay. Doctor Carter, you’re excused. Thank you for your testimony.”

The doctor nodded to the judge and vacated the stand, returning to sit beside Sutter while Saoirse was sworn in. Sutter offered the doctor back his hat. The doctor shook his head. Instead, he placed a warm, reassuring hand on Sutter’s shoulder.

“She’s going to be fine up there, son,” the doctor whispered. “John’s a good man. He’ll listen to what she has to say.”

Sutter could only nod, nearly paralyzed with worry for his Little.

“Miss Fay, I observe you’re wearing a medical alert bracelet in the courtroom today,” the judge said. “Were you wearing that medical alert bracelet when you were questioned by Chief Stanley?”

“Yeth, Yer Honor,” Saoirse replied.

“Thank you. Mr. Federico, do you have any cross?”

“Uh, yes, Your Honor.” He flipped through his papers, shaking his head. “Miss Fay, what were you wearing when Chief Stanley questioned you?”

“Shirt. S’orts.”