She turned it over in her mind. She appreciated his support, but Derek was not her Daddy. Having him in the room, exuding his Daddyness, might bring out her Little. She needed to be Big for this conversation and made sure the Ranch owner understand that when she addressed him as that Big. “Thank you, Mr. Hawkins, but I’m okay.”

Master Derek rose from behind the desk. He walked over to her and squeezed her shoulder. Then he held out his hand.

Saoirse stared at it for a moment, lost. When she looked up into his face, he mouthed, “Phone.”

She slid her phone out of her pocket and handed it to him. A weight dropped into her stomach. Did he already know she was going to be arrested?

He popped her phone into his breast pocket, patted her on the shoulder, and padded out of the room, moving quietly for as big a man as he was.

Saoirse sank into the chair Chief Stanley had indicated and wrapped her arms around herself. She held on to the conviction that she’d done nothing wrong. But she also knew that the world wasn’t always fair or kind, and that money like Sutter’s family had could buy a lot of things, including favors from a chief of police. Sitting in the chair, under Chief Stanley’s grim regard, Saoirse felt small and alone.

“Miss Fay, I’m Chief Stanley. I want to make it clear that you’re not under arrest at this time. I’m just investigating a complaint at this point.”

“Okay, I understand.”

“However, anything you say to me may be used as evidence. Do you understand that?”

Saoirse nodded.

“Please answer my questions verbally. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Saoirse said, feeling smaller and smaller. “I understand.”

“You’re an employee here at the Ranch, is that correct?” At her assent, he took her through background questions: her name, her date of birth, her employment history, and her duties at the Ranch. “Mr. Hawkins says you’re leaving on the tenth. Did you quit or did Mr. Hawkins let you go?”

“Neither. My contract was to cover maternity leave. It ends on the tenth.”

“Mr. Hawkins hasn’t asked you to stay on?”

Saoirse shook her head before she remember to answer aloud. “No, he hasn’t.”

“Have you had any bad performance reviews or complaints that would lead to you being let go?”

Saoirse thought through the question for a moment. She was no employment lawyer, but she had some idea about her rights and knew this was a question that exceeded the police chief’s legal authority.

“Not that I’m aware of,” she said. “But I am aware that my employment record is protected, Chief Stanley.”

He tipped his head. “I’m just trying to understand your current situation, Miss Fay. The complaint I’ve received is troubling, from a respected member of the community, and I want to ensure that if there’s a grifter or con man—or con woman—in my county, that they don’t do any further damage.”

Saoirse stuffed the indignation down deep and nodded for him to continue.

“Are you planning on staying in the area after the tenth?”

“No, I wasn’t. I have a job offer in New York and I’m planning on moving back there.”

“You’re from New York?”

He didn’t quite sneer, but she heard the disdain. She didn’t have to look up Chief Stanley’s public service record to know she was dealing with someone who’d lived in Hamilton all his life and didn’t trust outsiders.

“I was born in Florida but I’ve lived in New York on and off. My parents live there now.”

“Their names.”

Grudgingly, Saoirse gave them.

“So, nothing brought you to Montana other than this job at the Ranch?” Chief Stanley asked.

“No, nothing else.”