“No thank you,” Sutter’s mother responded. “Is there somewhere we can talk privately?”

“I’m so sorry but no,” Saoirse said, putting on her best, blank competition face. “The Ranch is guests only beyond this point. But we don’t have anyone checking in today, so we shouldn’t be disturbed. What can I do for you?”

Cordelia tucked away her phone in her designer bag and slid forward in her chair. She leaned toward Saoirse with her elbow propped on her crossed legs, slender and stylish in a black skirt suit and court pumps.

“Let me get the unpleasantness out of the way first,” she said. “I’ve just been up to the ranch house. There are a few things missing. Items of value. Jewelry and some mementos. Sutter mentioned you’d been staying over all week and I just wanted to check with you to see if you might have, well,borrowedanything.”

A low burn—anger or indigestion, Saoirse wasn’t sure which—started in her tummy. But she kept her smile fixed and her tone even. “No, I haven’t borrowed anything.”

Cordelia rubbed her fingers under her chin, displaying her diamond rings and tennis bracelet. “Nothing at all? I’m not accusing you, dear. Please don’t misunderstand. Sutter’s such a sweet boy. He’s fresh out of school and I understand how he might have given you some pretty things to wear, maybe out at night on a date, and you might have misunderstood who they belonged to.”

Saoirse nodded. “Then let me make sure there’s nomisunderstanding, Mrs. James. I haven’t borrowed anything. Sutter hasn’t given me anything on loan. He hasn’t given me any gifts that he didn’t buy in front of me. If there are items missing from the house, I’m sorry to hear that, but I don’t know anything about it.”

“No?” Cordelia drawled. “Really, I just want them returned. I don’t want to have to bring this to the local police. All those questions? You wouldn’t be able to leave the area while they investigate, of course. Such a shame to have to delay your plans.”

Saoirse swallowed.Don’t rise to her bait, she admonished herself.You’ve listened to plenty of smack talk at meets. That’s all this is. Don’t let it touch you.

“That would be a shame,” Saoirse acknowledged. “Sutter would be very disappointed.”

“Yes.” Cordelia sighed. “I hate to see him hurt. I love my son, Miss Fay. More than you can possibly comprehend if you haven’t been a mother. Have you been a mother?”

What is she getting at?Saoirse wondered. “No, I’m afraid I don’t know what that’s like.”

“Of course not. I suppose with your medical problems, motherhood is out of the question.”

Saoirse tapped her fingertips on the arms of her chair.Is that where she’s going? Implying my disability makes me unfit to be with her son?

“That’s quite an ableist statement, Mrs. James. People who suffer from the kind of seizures I have can have children and be wonderful, loving parents.”

Cordelia’s answering smile was so condescending it was like having a bottle of oil poured over Saoirse’s head, cold and slithery.

“Seizures? Is that what you call your addiction? I know about your trips to Canada, dear. What are you really on? Oxy? Morphine? So many athletes end up addicted after their careers fall apart. I suppose the combination of physical and mental pain overwhelms them. Such a tragedy.”

Saoirse thought Cordelia probably feasted on such tragedies, preferably with champagne and caviar.

“I’ve been to Canada several times to buy clonazepam when my health insurance didn’t cover it, Mrs. James. Thankfully, the Ranch has an excellent plan and my medicines are fully covered.”

“Yes, I’m sure,” Cordelia said, her tone oozing contempt. “And you have receipts for those purchases.”

“Whether I do or not is immaterial because there’s nothing wrong or illegal in traveling to Canada and purchasing prescription medication. People buy prescription medication in foreign countries all the time, Mrs. James.”

“Mmm. Well, if that’s your story. I’ll be sure to pass that along to Mr. Stanley, the chief of police in Hamilton. He might have to hold you for a few days while he searches your apartment and looks for places you might have hidden my jewelry and the drugs. Are you entitled to a phone call while you’re held pending charges? I don’t think you are. Poor Sutter, he’ll think you’ve had second thoughts. What’s the word you young people use? Ghosted, that’s right. He’ll think you’ve ghosted him. Poor boy. Chief Stanley’s an old friend, of course.”

Saoirse nodded. “Of course. Mrs. James, if you have nothing else to threaten me with, you’ll have to excuse me. I have a swimming lesson to teach.”

“Not so fast, dear.” Cordelia shook her head pityingly. “I want to make sure you understand the trouble you’re in. Can you teach anything with an arrest record? With a conviction for petty theft? Our criminal justice system is so broken. Once you’re in the system, it’s impossible to get out. It will always follow you around, a criminal record. You don’t want that, do you? I’m happy to make it worth your while to just go away quietly. Wouldn’t you like to travel? You liked England, didn’t you? All that history. Europe is lovely this time of year. Ten thousand would buy you six months in Europe if you were frugal.”

Saoirse didn’t imagine Cordelia James had any idea of frugality. Or what ten thousand dollars would buy.

“Ten thousand?” Saoirse raised her brows. “That’s not enough to see all of Europe. And what about the old Soviet bloc? I’ve always wanted to see Russia. Add a zero andthat’ssix months in Europe.”

Cordelia took out her phone. “Done. Give me your bank details and I’ll have the money transferred to you right now.”

Saoirse turned her head and looked at the reception desk. “Did you hear all that?” she asked Carrie.

Carrie crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Cordelia. “Every word.”

Saoirse looked back to Cordelia. “Mrs. James, I think it’s time you were going.”