“Playing with you gives me butterflies,” she whispered, half to him and half to the blanket.

Sutter heard her. “Playing with you fills me up with feelings I don’t have names for, baby. It’s more than happiness. It’s more than desire. It’s excitement and need and comfort and satisfaction. It’s everything.”

Saoirse sighed happily. “It is everything.”

In the moment of silence, Sutter slapped the belt across her ass again. The sting, sharper this time, pulled a small gasp out of Saoirse. The wave of heat that followed made her feel boneless and blissful, completely cared for by her Daddy.

Sutter’s hand, cool against her heated skin, circled over her cheeks, rubbing in the sting. “Now tell me what things you’d like to work up to.”

“Paddle,” Saoirse said, with a hitch in her voice. “Switch. I saw subbies get switched at Blunts. It scared me. The welts look really scary. But It was also all I could think about for days. I still have dreams about it. I’d like to work up to a switching.”

“Mmm. Have you ever seen a figging? I’ve read that switching with a fig in is very intense.”

“I haven’t seen it, but I know what it is.” She was silent for a moment as she worked through her conflicting emotions. Fear of the unknown. Uncertainty about whether that level of pain could bring her pleasure. Trust in the man who held her. “I’d like to try it. If you would.”

“I would, baby. I’d like to try everything with you. Everything you want to do. Every dream you’ve had that you were too scared to tell someone. I want you to tell me. I want to try them with you. We’re going to have so much fun, Saoirse.”

She twisted her neck so she could look at him. “Is the man who is hitting my butt with a belt telling me how much fun we’re going to have?”

Sutter’s grin split wide and white across his handsome face. “Yes.”

“We’re crazy, you know.”

Sutter nodded. “Complementary insanities, though, so it all works out.”

“Oh, well, that’s reassuring.”

“Uh huh. Turn your face away. You relax more when you don’t anticipate the strike.”

She blew him a kiss before burying her face back in her arms.

She didn’t have time to tense before the leather whipped across her bottom. She grunted faintly, then purred as the heat spread.

Sutter shifted, setting the belt down against her side. He applied both hands to her ass, rubbing, squeezing, patting. The feelings were so soothing that Saoirse found herself drifting. Sutter’s fingers shifting gently through her hair brought her out of a peaceful doze. She shifted onto her side to look up at him.

“You fell asleep on me there, baby.”


“Don’t be sorry. You ready for bed?”

Before she thought about it, before her conscious mind overrode the motion, she slipped her thumb into her mouth.

Then she yanked it out and stared at her wet digit in horror.

Sutter stroked her cheek. “You can suck your thumb tonight, little miss. Daddy gives you permission. Tomorrow, I’ll find a paci for you so you don’t hurt your teeth.”


“Don’t say you can’t, darlin’, because I just gave you permission. It’s clearly something you want but don’t think you should have. I’m telling you otherwise. I’m telling you it’s okay.”

Saoirse slowly slid her thumb back between her lips.

Sutter helped her curl up off his lap and under the covers. He spooned in behind her. His erection pressed against her bottom, making her aware of its gentle throb.

“Do you want…?” she mumbled around her thumb.

He kissed the back of her head. “Not when you’re in Little space. Go back to sleep, darlin’. Sleep deep in Daddy’s arms with your warm little bottom. You make me crazy happy, baby.”