She took a grinning selfie and sent it back.You can see me now.

As her smile lingered, she put her phone away. She didn’t like to use it at work where it might distract her at a crucial moment. Besides, the brief contact was enough. Knowing her Daddy was thinking about her filled Saoirse with a bubbly warmth. It dispersed the haze of jet lag enough for Saoirse to think clearly. Watching one of the Littles climb up on his Daddy’s back sparked one idea. A big beach ball sparked another. Before Sutter collected her at the Ranch’s door, the idea for her final pool party was fully developed. Once she’d kissed Sutter hello and climbed into his truck, she pulled out her phone and tapped out a quick email to Master Derek. Before Sutter pulled into a parking space at the restaurant in Porter’s Corner they’d agreed on, Master Derek responded, approving her party plans.

She explained the “Grande Little Joust” to Sutter in excited detail over their salads. As she got to the end, his expression stiffened. He took out his phone, checked something, and looked up.

“What day is this party again?”

“The tenth. My last day.”

“Baby, is there any chance you could move it two days in either direction? I’m due back in London on the tenth, but I have to be here for this. It’s too much fun for you not to participate. I need to be your horse. Can you move it?”

Understanding his consternation, Saoirse laughed. “I’m the judge. I can’t participate. But if you really like the idea that much, I’ll do it again at Blunts and you can be mycheval.”

Sutter’s face brightened. “Whew. Give me a month to brush up on my water-treading skills. I don’t want to be the one that lets down the team.”

Saoirse laughed. “Never. Besides, I’m unbeatable with a pool noodle, even if my horse is drowning.”

Sutter reached across the table to pinch her chin with his thumb and forefinger. “I love your enthusiasm, baby.” He swallowed. “You’re happy, aren’t you? You seem happy. Happier than I’ve seen you all summer. That’s because I’m leaving on Saturday, isn’t it?”

Saoirse rolled her eyes. “Uh-huh, that’s the reason.”

“Oh, you’re going to pay for that eye-roll, darlin’. Just wait. I have a belt that’s just itching to make the acquaintance of your backside.”

Saoirse giggled, not at all nervous. She wiggled in her seat.

After grilled trout and hours of line dancing, they returned to Sutter’s family ranch. Emerging from the bathroom, Saoirse found a silky, black sleep shirt laid across the bed. Without asking questions, Saoirse took her clothes off and folded them up, then slipped on the shirt and sat on the edge of the bed.

Sutter returned from the bathroom on a cloud of mint and gently-spiced body wash. He wore only his black silk boxers, but as he approached the bed, he stopped and pulled the belt out of the jeans he’d worn out.

“Check in, baby. How are you feeling? Anything sore?”

He didn’t specifically ask about her shoulder or her seizures, for which Saoirse was grateful. It wasn’t that she was trying to forget about her injury and illness—she never would—but that he asked about her whole being made her feel he was looking out for her as a person, instead of focusing on her disability.

“Little bit of a headache,” she said. “Nothing too bad.”

“So, making you stand on your head while I belt your bottom’s out.”

She laughed, shaking her head at him. “If you ask me to stand on my head, I’ll have bigger problems than a headache.”

What flared in Sutter’s eyes made Saoirse’s stomach flutter. “Submission goal? Headstand funishments?”

She giggled at the thought. “Submission goal for next year?”

He sat on the bed beside her. “Over my knee, little miss.”

Saoirse complied, taking her time and brushing a kiss over his cheek before ever so slowly draping herself across his lap. His warm hand landed on her thigh, just above her knee, and trailed upwards, tickling. Saoirse crossed her arms under her head and giggled into the bedspread.

Sutter swept the tail of her nightshirt up into the small of her back and then returned to her bottom. She wasn’t quite humping his thigh, but her bottom was moving a lot more than her breathing and the position could account for. He grabbed a handful of her ass and kneaded, digging his fingers in. Saoirse groaned with pleasure. All over her body, small tensions released. She felt it all the way up into her scalp, all the way down into her toes. Something about her Daddy preparing her for a bottom-warming relaxed her like nothing else.

“Do you have submission goals for me for real?” she asked as he continued to work, moving to her other cheek.

“I should be asking you that, darlin’. Are there things you’d like to work on?”

Saoirse thought about it. “There are things I’d like to work up to.”

“Hold that thought for me for a second.”

Smack. The belt cracked across her cheeks. Saoirse shivered and ground her cheek into the bedspread. The sting faded into a spreading heat and Saoirse relaxed into it. Sutter hadn’t put any of his upper body strength into the slap, so the sting was mild. The warmth was like turning her face up to the sun on a hot day. Saoirse didn’t know if Sutter would stay at this level, or whether he was warming her up for harder hits. The uncertainty made her tummy swoop and swirl.