Sutter watched her. He sucked in her wonder like air, his chest feeling too small to contain all of the swelling emotions she inspired.

As they walked back from the train station hand in hand, Sutter tried to put words to how she’d made him feel this weekend. “You’ve been amazing, darlin’. You charmed the V.I.P.s today. I bet what they all remember from this weekend isn’t the club. It’s you.”

She laughed and tipped her head onto his shoulder. “Golf was a good choice. There’s nothing else I could have done with them close to the level of the scene other than water polo.”

“Golf in a monsoon wasn’t all that far off from water polo,” he joked, which wrung a chuckle out of her. Lowering his voice, he added, “You make everything fun, Saoirse.”

“You make everything safe,” she responded softly. “I haven’t worried about anything this weekend. Usually, my mind’s… busy. I overthink things. But since meeting you, knowing you’re looking out for me, my mind’s quiet. I can just do whatever feels good. Thank you for helping me relax, Daddy.”

He slid his arm around her and squeezed. “I know I’m moving fast, but I don’t want this to end. Saoirse, would you consider coming to stay with me in New York when your contract ends at the Ranch?”

She lifted her face, raindrops catching on her eyelashes and the tip of her nose like a scattering of diamonds. “Move in with you?”

Sutter didn’t hesitate, didn’t qualify his invitation. “Yes.”

“Thatismoving fast,” she said. Sutter’s chest hitched. “But I’d like that. Even if it’s only temporary until I find my own place. Wait… you don’t live with your mother, do you?”

Sutter chuckled. “No. I bought my own apartment. It’s near Columbia.”

“University?” At his nod, she pursed her lips. “Morningside Heights or Harlem?”

“Little further out. Manhattanville.”

“Nice area. And convenient if I go back to Blunts.”

“Are you considering that?”

She nodded. “It’s a good offer. Permanent position with good health and dental benefits. I got along well with the club’s chairman. He listened to me.”

Sutter swallowed hard. “I haven’t asked because I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, but would you do scenes with other Doms if you went back to Blunts?”

She was silent as they walked through the front gate of Winter’s Sin and up the short flight of steps to the front door. There, she paused and took his hands in hers. “I have in the past, but it’s not a condition of the job.”

“I want us to be exclusive,” Sutter said, looking down into her wide, bright eyes.

She smiled up at him. “I want that, too. But sex is so new to you. Maybe you want to—”

“Sow my wild oats?”

She laughed. “Yes.”

“I don’t,” he said firmly. “I know what I want, darlin’, and it isn’t hookups. It isn’t newness for the sake of newness. I want to be with you. I want more of howyoumake me feel.”

“Okay, but if that changes—”

“I’ll tell you. I’m not shy, baby. I know how to communicate what I want. I know that probably makes me the exception to the rule, but I’ve had five years of watching my frat brothers fuck around and ghost their hookups. I’ve learned what cowardice looks like. I’m not a coward; I’m not afraid of the work that goes into a relationship.”

Saoirse’s grin flashed in the rainy night. “That does make you the exception to the rule.”

Sutter smiled back before laying claim to her lips.

Chapter 13

A chorus of “oohs” rose from the grassy bank where Sutter and Saoirse were lying on a plaid blanket at Suzanna’s bank holiday barbeque.

Another loud pop rang out across the field, then a flare of red and gold sparks lit the August sky.
