Her tongue rolled around his tip, bathing him in heat. She worked her tongue along the ridge of his cockhead, finding a spot that was so sensitive, a few licks had Sutter panting. Her glossy head bobbed as she drew him into her mouth. Sutter quickly lost himself in the sensation of her hot, wet tongue slicking over him, the clutch and release of the hard planes of her mouth. It was completely different from the touch of a hand—his hand, girls’ hands—an utterly new, unique experience and Sutter reveled in it. When she drew him deep into the opening of her throat, and he felt her swallow around him for the first time, he curved up off the bed with a strangled shout.

“Baby! Fuck, I had no idea how that would feel. Your throat’s like a furnace. So warm and wet. Yes, swallow me again. Oh, that’s right. That’s so good. Don’t stop.”

She didn’t. Barely pausing for sips of air, she sucked him down again and again, until Sutter’s muscles locked and his balls leapt and he couldn’t stop himself. He jolted back onto the bed, his head snapping back, as the sweetest release he’d known poured out of him. Saoirse kept swallowing, drinking him down. Even after his cock stopped jerking and he just felt a strange, warm flow down his shaft, she suckled him. Softly. So sweetly his chest ached with it. A strange gratitude accompanied his release. He wanted to do everything for this woman. Give her anything she wanted. Make sure she knew nothing but happiness. If he could have spoken, he’d have promised her the world.

Finally, Saoirse lifted her head and released his softened cock. She wiped him up with a towel from beside the bed, planted a gentle kiss on his belly, and rubbed his flexing thighs. “How are you doing?”

“Better than I’ve ever been before,” Sutter answered honestly. “Your turn.”

“My turn? This is supposed to be for you.”

“It was for me, but our pleasure is never going to be mutually exclusive. You gave me such a gift just then, darlin’. You bet I’m going to give it back.”

“Oh.” With a happy wiggle, Saoirse stretched out beside him. Sutter ran his fingers into her hair, gathered a handful, and pulled her in so he could lick his own taste out of her mouth. He hadn’t tasted his cum before and found it salty and slightly bitter. What was much better was the taste of his girl beneath it and the feeling of sharing this intimacy with her. Only the two of them knew how he tasted.

While he kissed her, he trailed his free hand over her, pinching her nipple, squeezing her hip, and finally tugging her leg over his so he could reach into her crease and tickle his fingertips over her soft, bare lips. He circled and explored, finding the shapes her body kept hidden. She soaked his fingers and moaned into his mouth when he worked a fingertip into the more sensitive side of her clit.

He'd swelled while fingering her but didn’t feel any drive to come again. What he did want, though, with more than his body, with his whole spirit, was to be part of her again while he gave her the pleasure she’d more than earned.

“Baby, Saoirse, would you take me in your mouth? Don’t suck. Just hold me there as I taste you. Would you do that for me?”

She nodded eagerly. He gave her one last kiss before he sat up and turned around. He ran his hands down her smooth legs, which fell apart naturally for him. Dipping his head, he kissed his way up her thigh and pressed his mouth against her soft mound. Saoirse shifted against him and after a moment of adjusting their positions, drew his thickening shaft into her warm mouth.

He planted a kiss on each thigh and wrapped his arm around her hips, tugging her in close, drawing her sweet, musky scent into his lungs. “Just like that, darlin’. Hold me in your sweet mouth just like that. I love being inside you. Feeling like I’m a part of you.”

She hummed and wriggled until they were pressed tightly together. Sutter used the movement to tilt her hips until he got the right angle and closed his whole mouth over her slit. She giggled at the sensation and Sutter laughed, delighted that they could play even at intense moments.

He sucked, just to elicit another giggle, then turned his attention to her clit. He could feel the rush of blood, in time to her heartbeat, when he pressed the flat of his tongue against it. Nibbling made her shiver. Long strokes of his tongue along her slit, each one dipping deeper into her opening, drew out the sweetest moans. When he thrust with his tongue, her body arched, mashing her softness against his chin. He did it again and again, despite the way it made his tongue ache.It’s only fair, he thought. Swallowing him as she’d done must have made her jaw hurt. But as she’d focused on his pleasure, he focused on her, and was rewarded with a full-body shudder and the pulsing of her opening against his tongue and lips. He licked until her body relaxed, then kissed her slick lips and inner thighs while reveling in the closeness of her body, the intimacy that had flowered between them.

Rubbing his cheek against her soft thigh, he asked, “Baby, would you like to take a bath with me?”

She murmured her agreement around his shaft.

“You’re such a good girl,” he praised her. “Keeping my cock warm. Keeping it inside you. I’ve never felt anything as good as this.”

He gently drew out of her and pulled her upright so he could wrap his arms around her. He kissed her forehead, her snub little nose, the corners of her mouth. “You give Daddy the best gifts.”

She tipped her head up to meet his mouth, licking back into his kiss. “Your gifts are pretty awesome, too.”


She cupped her face with a soft palm. “Knowing that all of this is new to you… makes it feel new to me, too. Like I’m seeing it differently. Through your eyes. That doesn’t make any sense, does it?”

Sutter’s grin tugged at his cheeks. “Doesn’t matter if it makes sense. It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful. The way you make me feel—”

“Beautiful?” she asked, a cheeky smile lighting her eyes.

He tweaked her nose gently. “Absolutely. Ready for a bath?”

She nodded eagerly. He caught her mouth, diving in to her kiss one last time before leading her into the bathroom so he could bathe his Little.

Golfing wasrain-lashed and chilly in the way only August in England could be. Half of the V.I.P.s abandoned the course before the ninth hole. The rest slogged on doggedly, donning the golf club’s green visors to keep the rain out of their eyes while they putted and clustering under umbrellas carried by the caddies on every green.

Only Saoirse showed no hint of misery. She’d come prepared, wearing bright yellow Wellington boots that kept her feet dry while the rest of the golfers squished through the wet grass. A caddy offered her a green, plastic rain slicker that blew around her body with every swing, plastering against her breasts and outlining her hips. Sutter was so thoroughly distracted, he had no idea of his own score. After a few rocky drives while her shoulder loosened up, she outshot him on every hole, getting eagles on the fifteenth and sixteenth holes. Back in the club house after the eighteenth hole, they warmed up with tea and cookies while the V.I.P.s congratulated Saoirse not just for her golf score but also for the scene, which they all assumed was planned. Saoirse never demurred. She accepted every kudo with a smile and a few minutes of conversation. If Gray and Cordelia had been the focus of the party last night, Saoirse was the belle of today’s ball.

I’d like to see Tanya Nichols handle this crowd half as well, Sutter thought.

Once they’d safely waved off his mother and Gray, they took the Tube back into London. The ongoing drizzle didn’t dim her enthusiasm. After ogling antique trains at the London Transport Museum, they scored last-minute tickets toThe Lion Kingat the Lyceum. Saoirse watched the musical with wide eyes, mouthing along to the songs.