He shifted his hips back before his erection pressed into her. She dropped her hand to his thigh and pulled him back into full contact with her body.

“You don’t have to hold back,” she whispered against his lips.

He smiled and flicked her upper lip with the tip of his tongue. “I have for a long time. It’s automatic.”

“Now you don’t have to. You can let go.”

His stomach bobbed as he exhaled. Then he pressed the length of his body into hers, letting her feel his hardness. Saoirse rubbed against him. When he didn’t pull away, Saoirse grinned and rolled her hips. Pink flushed his cheeks. He nibbled on her lower lip and when she opened for him, licked into her mouth with the taste of mint and a hint of champagne.

Sutter’s hand trailed down her throat. She arched into his touch and whispered a moan into his mouth when his hand cupped her breast. Sutter squeezed gently, then more firmly as Saoirse responded, rocking against him. He unbuttoned the first button on her sleep shirt, then paused and looked into her eyes.


“Yes,” she said firmly. “Please keep going. As much as you want.”

He trailed his fingertip up and down the triangle of tanned skin exposed by her unbuttoned shirt. “This is making my head spin.”

“Good,” she whispered back. “I reached subspace during our scene. I want to give that back to you.”

His lips stretched against hers. “You did?”

“I did. It was a wonderful scene. Thank you, Daddy.”

His swallow filled the quiet room. “I really love hearing that.”

She nudged his head back with her nose and kissed down the line of his throat. Flicking her tongue into the hollow of his throat, she tasted the faint spice of his cologne and the salt of sweat. “It’s amazing to have a Daddy,” she murmured into his skin.

Chapter 12

Sutter shifted onto his back and urged her above him.

He looked up at the woman straddling him. He knew his heart was in his eyes. She looked glorious. Her glossy black hair was tousled from sleep, her long bangs falling down around her cheeks, an adorable cowlick launching a few unruly hairs into the air. Kissing had flushed her lips and face a rosy-red. As he guided her head back to his chest, he felt the heat of her skin. She rubbed against him before licking a warm path down his breastbone.

He arched up against her when she circled his nipple with the point of her tongue.

“Baby.” He found her hips with his hands and squeezed, but backed off before she got thumbprints.

Her hand fluttered down and closed over his. She pinched his nipple between her teeth before she said, “It’s okay to squeeze hard. I won’t break.”

He didn’t ask for further permission; he tightened his hands. Saoirse rolled her hips against the pressure, rubbing her mons up and down his shaft. His head tipped back as a groan escaped his chest. “That’s so good, darlin’.”

She gave each of his nipples a final kiss before she licked down his stomach, following his happy trail. Sutter stuffed a pillow under his neck so he could watch her descent. They’d made out last night before cuddling together to sleep, but other than some heated groping, they’d kept their hands above their clothes. Sutter had dreamed all night of her going down on him, of that moment when her lips touched his cock. As he watched, his dreams blossomed into reality. She nudged his boxers down just enough to be able to kiss his tip, flushed skin to flushed skin. Sutter’s chest tightened. Her pink tongue flicked out and smoothed, hot and wet, over the slit of his glans.

Sutter’s eyes rolled back. “Baby, Saoirse, baby.”

She blew on him; he jolted at the cool air across his hot, taut skin. The coolness vanished, replaced by heat as she kissed his tip, flicked her tongue out, tasting him. His balls drew up. He slid his leg out from under her and wrapped it over her back, pressing her down on his body.

“You caught me, Daddy,” she whispered, before licking him again.

“I’m not letting you go,” he responded, meaning every word. He reached down and feathered his fingers through her soft hair. She tipped her head so her cheek nestled into his palm, even as she kept adoring him with her mouth. Sutter’s head swam and spun.

Her hand slipped under the waistband of his boxers; she slowly bared him. Her fingertips trickled down his shaft and scrunched through his pubic hair, tickling, drawing a bark of laughter out of him.

“I’m glad I waited,” he told her, watching as she wrapped her fingers around him and guided him up into her mouth. “You make everything fun, Saoirse.”

She suckled his tip, her tongue cupping and flicking the ridge of his corona. Goosebumps prickled over his chest and arms at the sensation.

“Fuck, that’s so good.”