Saoirse shook her head. She’d met service tops at M Street and Blunts. “I understand,” she said, before asking, “does that mean you never want me to pleasure you?”

Sutter rubbed his lower lip, considering. “I won’t say never. But for right now, in scenes, I’d like to focus on you. I’d like something different for myself. At a different time, when we’re not in a scene.”

“Okay,” Saoirse said slowly, not sure she understood. “Do you not want me to be submissive then?”

“No, I wouldn’t. If we go down that path, I’d like you to take charge. I’d like someone to teach me about sex.”

Saoirse felt her mouth work, even though no sound came out. She swallowed and tried again. “You didn’t seem to need any lessons just then.”

“That’s because we were doing something I’ve done many times before. But if the tables were turned, much beyond that would be new for me. I haven’t been in a woman’s mouth. I haven’t been in a woman’s pussy or ass. I’ll need my partner to guide me. To be patient with me.”

Saoirse swallowed again. “I-I can be patient. I can teach you. I mean, I’d like to. If you’d like me to.”

“I’d like nothing better, darlin’.” A grin slashed across his face. “You’ve no idea how much I’d like that. We’ll start in the morning, okay? And for that, we both need to be well-rested. So, let’s call it an early night.”

Saoirse returned his smile. “Yes, please.”

“Yes, please,Daddy. I always want to be your Daddy, sweetheart. Even when you’re teaching me new things. Caring for you always comes first.”

Saoirse’s knees knocked together; she leaned toward him. Sutter stood and pulled her into his chest, wrapping her in his warm embrace.

Chapter 10

Sutter’s mother wouldn’t let him escape that easily.

When he escorted Saoirse back upstairs to say their goodnights, Cordelia all but pinched him by the ear.

“I do need to speak with you tonight, Sut,” she said, placing a manicured hand on his bicep and squeezing.

He leaned in and kissed his mother on the cheek. “Let me see Saoirse up to our room, and then I’ll join you in the V.I.P. lounge.”

Mollified, she nodded.

Gray, Sutter refused to think of him as either father or stepfather, curled a hand around Sutter’s head and ruffled his hair like Sutter was still in middle school. Their relative heights and builds, with Sutter several inches taller and broader, made the gesture particularly awkward.

“Great job tonight, son.”

Sutter controlled a flinch. Gray only called himsonin public, but that didn’t make it any better.

“This is going to be our best opening yet.”

“Thanks, Gray. Appreciate you and Mom coming all this way.”

Gray laughed heartily. “Your big launch? Wouldn’t have missed it, son.”

Sutter nodded, the presence of Saoirse under his arm, warm and soft from the pleasure he’d given her the only thing keeping the plastic smile fixed on his face.

He could feel the questions building in Saoirse as they walked up to their room.

“I didn’t realize this was your club,” she said finally, her voice small.

“It’s not.” Sutter blew out a long breath. “The clubs are the brainchild of Aunt Suzanna. They were incredibly profitable before the pandemic, but they were always the family’s dirty secret. During the pandemic, they became a millstone. England and Europe were locked down for over a year. Things reopened slowly. The running costs—staff, light, heat, service contracts—those didn’t end just because people couldn’t come. The company lost millions. Gray and the board blamed Suzanna, but there wasn’t anything she could have done. Now that things are open again, they’ve turned the corner and Gray’s taking all the credit.”

“And giving some of it to you,” Saoirse observed.

“Yeah,” Sutter said bitterly. “It’s not fair to Suzanna, and I’m afraid it’s going to make her hate me. I interned with Winterwyne all through college until this summer. Did my final B-school project on how to rebrand and remarket the clubs and bring this one online within the new brand. But she’s the one who knows the scene overseas. She’s the one who stayed up nights and worked weekends trying to keep the clubs afloat through everything. This should be her day. Instead, he’s making it about him and me.”

As Sutter unlocked their door and led her inside, she squeezed his fingers. “I don’t think your aunt will hate you. Not if you keep treating her with kindness and respect.”