Saoirse sniffled and flicked surprising wetness from under her eyes. She hadn’t felt her eyes prickling, but there was no question she’d started crying during the spanking.

As she stood, Sutter caught her elbow. “Good tears or bad tears, babygirl?”

That he’d stopped the scene to check in with her made her beam at him mistily. “Good.”

She gave him a thumbs up.

He nodded at the blackboard. “Do me proud.”

Saoirse shuffled the few steps to the blackboard and stood in front of it, with her back to the room, as she inspected the chalk. It was thick and round; the two ends were sharp. Unused. A naughty pleasure fluttered in her chest as she picked up a piece and used it to make a short line on the board.I’m the very first to write on it, she thought, which made her Little unaccountably happy.

She wrote the first line.I will be good for teacher.

Behind her, the desk chair creaked as Sutter sat back down. He wasn’t close enough for her to feel his body heat or hear his breathing, but she certainly felt the warmth of his finger when he traced the exposed, reddened undercurve of her bottom.

Saoirse closed her eyes in bliss. “Daddy,” she whispered.

His fingers feathered over her skin, trailing goosebumps. When he reached the crease of her cheeks, he slipped his fingers along the seam of her panties. Finding a damp spot, his fingers circled, the lightest pressure.

Saoirse shivered.

“How are those lines coming, little miss?” he said, deep and biting, his tone completely at odds with his touch.

“Sorry, Sir,” she whispered. “I’ll apply myself.”

“You do that.”

She wrote four more lines perfectly. But on the next line, she wrote, “I will bee good.”

The hot fingers pressing between her legs withdrew. A hard slap across her bottom jolted her forward a step. She blinked off the spank and firmed up her stance. Carefully, she drew a straight line through the line and started again.

“Good girl.” Sutter’s voice laved her as did his fingers, returning to play between her thighs.

Saoirse wrote ten more lines perfectly. When she made a mistake spelling “good,” she crossed through the line before Sutter could even pull his fingers away.

When she had twenty perfect lines, she put the chalk back in the tray and put her hands behind her back, lacing her fingers together in one of the submissive positions she’d been taught and waited for her Dom’s pleasure.

Sutter stood, keeping his hand in place, cupping her sex. Saoirse was surprised her panties hadn’t incinerated from all the heat building between his skin and hers. She dissolved into it, closing her eyes and drifting into that sweet, peaceful place she sometimes found during scenes.

A warm, firm arm wrapped around her chest above her breasts and drew her against a body that cradled hers. Sutter’s breath, fruity from the champagne, brushed her ear. “You look so relaxed, darlin’. Are you floating?”

“Yes,” she murmured, tipping her head back on his shoulder.

“You did a great job on these lines, sweet girl. I’m proud of you. Daddy’s proud of you.” He rubbed his cheek against hers and kissed her temple. “Are you ready for the scene to be over? I want you to sit on my lap.”

“Yes, please.”

“Good girl.”

His hand slipped out from between her legs. His heat left her back. Saoirse wasn’t sure if it was a minute or ten minutes later that his heat returned. His hands cupped her shoulders and guided her a few steps over to the chair. He sat and drew her down onto his lap. When he turned the chair to face the room, Saoirse saw they were alone. She slumped against his chest, tucking her face into his neck.

Sutter groaned and stroked her hair, her cheek, her shoulder. “I want to reward you, baby. I want to give you an orgasm so badly. But I think it’s too early for me to touch you there.”

Saoirse moaned softly. She’d been on simmer for what felt like weeks, even though she knew logically it was only a few days and she could have relieved herself any time. She didn’t want to. Sutter hadn’t told her not to; he hadn’t told her why he was taking the physical side of things so slow. She didn’t mind. A strange patience had settled over her, and she was happy to wait to see what developed.

“Whenever you want,” she whispered.

His arms closed around her, adjusting her until he could take her mouth. He eased his lips over hers, tasting, licking. As her body rose into the kiss, he shifted side-to-side, rubbing his chest against her breasts. He swallowed her moan and smiled against her lips. Still holding her close, he picked up her hand and put it on her thigh.