“Once there was a beautiful girl named Saoirse who looked at everything with such wonder and delight that she enchanted a prince named Sutter. He took her to a far-away land where he showed her castles and jewels and towering clocks and everyone loved her. The end.”

Saoirse giggled. He hadn’t heard her giggle like that before. It shot straight through Sutter’s chest and lodged there, warm and fluttering. He squeezed her fingers.

“Good story?

“The best,” she said sleepily, her eyes nearly closed. “Only next time, the girl should be a mermaid.”

“Ah. I’ll try my best. I don’t know many mermaid stories. I’ll have to read up.”

Saoirse nodded but Sutter could tell she was already drifting from the way the normally taut planes of her face were going slack.

You hold yourself too tightly, darlin’, he thought.Like you’re always keeping something locked up inside.

Sutter was pretty sure he knew what that was.

He waited until Saoirse’s fingers were loose in his before sliding away from her and stretching out on his own bed. He set an alarm so they didn’t sleep too long and let the weariness suck him down.

Refreshed from their naps,they walked around London as a cool and breezy but thankfully dry afternoon turned into evening, stopping to see the mummies at the British Museum, strolling through the pedestrian Piazza, goggling at the Royal Opera House and catching the end of what looked like an impromptu puppet show at a small kiosk outside of Apple Market. Saoirse only had to look longingly at something and Sutter was ready to buy it for her, but she demurred on everything except a handmade bracelet of tiny, blown-glass frogs strung on silver wire. She said it reminded her of their “froggy first date,” which made Sutter laugh and vow to buy her as many froggy mementos as he could find.

The many smells of Covent Garden, from pungent garlic to the bitterness of ground coffee to the sickly-sweet scent of baking sugar, stimulated their confused stomachs and they bought dinner from street vendors as they walked, sharing a baked potato topped with spiced, ground lamb and feta cheese, skewers of “dynamite” shrimp so hot they made Sutter’s eyes water, and Egyptian chicken wraps with a spicy Harissa dressing. They walked off the food, making it all the way around Buckingham Palace and through Hyde Park before they caught the Tube back to Fulham. There, Sutter had a surprise waiting for Saoirse.

A petite redhead was waiting for them in the room behind a cart full of beauty supplies. She’d unfolded the top of the cart into a work surface, set bottles of nail polish in the rack at one end of the worktop, and put the room’s desk chairs on either side. Sutter seated Saoirse on one of the chairs and kissed her forehead before leaving her at the beautician’s mercy.

Sutter stayed out of the way, appreciating the extra sink tucked into a corner of the room so he could shave while Saoirse quickly showered and then let Penny, the beautician, trim her hair. Sutter showered while Penny gave Saoirse a manicure and pedicure with glittering, golden French tips. Then he relaxed on his bed in the room’s plush robe, pretending to watch the news while really watching the pleasure at being pampered light Saoirse’s face as Penny did her makeup.

He'd seen so many emotions chase across Saoirse’s features. Although she tried to hide her Little, it peeped out constantly now that she was better rested. Every new thing they saw brought out her delighted smile.I don’t want her to have to hide it, Sutter thought.Even if that means I need to be Demon Bear Daddy to make sure it’s safe for her Little to come out.

The thought made him grin.

Viking Demon Bear Daddy.

When it seemed like the beautician was almost done with Saoirse, Sutter ducked into the bathroom and changed into his suit. Any worry Sutter might have had that seeing him in a business suit would push her Little back to wherever she hid disappeared when he caught Saoirse’s expression as he emerged from the bathroom. He was pushing one hand through his hair, working in a little mousse, while adjusting the cheery yellow pocket square he’d gotten to coordinate with her cocktail dress with his other hand. Saoirse’s eyes followed the jacket’s silk as it strained across his chest and shoulders, then dropped to follow the suit’s tailored lines down his body.

Heat bloomed beside the wonder lighting her big, brown eyes.

A grin stretched Sutter’s cheeks. He didn’t flex any further for her but was sure to bend over to pick up two bottles of water off the night table while she was still watching so she could see the bespoke fit of the pants across his thighs and ass.

Sutter had his own moment of delight and desire when Saoirse came out of the bathroom in her buttercup yellow evening dress and matching peep-toe heels. He rose off the bed where he’d been waiting for her after generously tipping the beautician. Holding out the frog bracelet he’d bought, he clasped it around her offered wrist, beside her Medical Alert wristlet, then cupped her face in his hands.

“Darlin’, you leave me breathless.”

Saoirse’s eyes misted. “It’s this dress. You have good taste.”

“No, Saoirse.” He held her eyes so she could see how serious he was. “It’s you. You’re beautiful. Inside and out. And I’m so proud to call you mine tonight. Remember that if this gets tedious, or if anyone’s drunk and stupid. You’re beautiful and you’re mine.”

She tipped her head up and Sutter immediately moved in to give her the kiss she was asking for. He knew he’d taken her by surprise with his first kiss, going in hot and strong. She’d responded like a flower opening for the sun and it filled Sutter with a deep need formore-more-moreof her sweetness.

He took just as much with this kiss, sipping once from her lips, a sensual drag of skin, before he plundered. He bit and sucked on her lips, enjoying the whimper that slipped from her as his teeth pinched. His tongue licked deep, tasting the mint of her toothpaste, flicking up to stroke the hard roof of her mouth, and then pressing down on her tongue so she could feel his mastery. She swayed against him and he dropped a hand to her hip, drawing her closer, angling her body against his so he could taste, take, touch even more.

Her hands fluttered over his shoulders and when he did nothing but pull her closer, they wrapped around his neck.

“That’s right,” he murmured into her mouth. “Hold on to me, darlin’. I’ll never let you fall.”

“I know you won’t,” she whispered.

“I know you won’t,Daddy.”

She trembled against him, but her soft, low voice was steady when she repeated, “I know you won’t, Daddy.”