There were a hundred reasons. A hundred and one reasons, even. But none of them felt as important as the sense of peace, ofcaring, of safety, that she felt with Sutter. She’d been dipping a toe in the water for years. He was asking her to dive into life again, and for the first time since her injury, she wanted to.

Be brave.

She squeezed his fingers.

“Yes,” she said simply.

There should have beena thousand details for Saoirse to deal with before she went to London with Sutter. Instead, as soon as she told Carrie, she only had one.

“Buy some lingerie,” Carrie told her.

“Lingerie?” Saoirse didn’t own any. She’d worn lingerie at Blunts—a black lace basque, G-string, suspenders, and silk stockings that she’d secretly loved—but the ensemble had been provided by the club and she hadn’t taken it with her when she left.

“He’s taking you toLondon,” Carrie said, enunciating every word. “You’ll be jet lagged. But wearing pretty lingerie will make you feel better. And it will send the right message.”

“What message is that?” Saoirse asked.

“That youappreciatehim taking you toLondon.” Carrie’s eyebrows were nearly lost in her blonde bangs.

“I do. I’m just a little… overwhelmed. We’ve had two dates and now he’s asked me to go to London with him for three days. I don’t even know if my passport’s valid. And I’ll need to speak to Master Derek about the pool schedule. And—”

Carrie flapped her hands. “You check your passport. I’ll speak to Master Derek. Then buy lingerie.”

“Lingerie.” Saoirse shook her head.

“You’ve never bought lingerie?” Carrie asked.

“No. Are there any stores in Porter’s Corner or Hamilton?”

Carrie rolled her eyes in a way that Saoirse was sure would buy her a spanking if any passing Daddy caught her. Carrie pulled out her phone. “That’s what online shopping with express delivery is for.”

Saoirse’s passport was still valid. Master Derek was only too glad to rearrange the pool schedule so she could take advantage of what Master Derek was “sure would be an amazing opportunity”. And over two hundred dollars of lace and satin arrived a full day before Saoirse and Sutter had to leave for the airport.

In the meantime, Sutter had taken her for steak and line dancing in Porter’s Corner; they’d eaten hot dogs and pretzels sitting on the grassy hill behind third base while the crickets sang and Sutter explained the rules of baseball. They’d had another “sleeping-bag sleepover” at Sutter’s house. The “sleeping-bag sleepover” included a jelly-bean treasure hunt through his house, ending in his bedroom where a sunshine-yellow cocktail dress waited for her in a satiny box. He’d given her another bedtime spanking and story. She’d held his hand as they slept side-by-side in their bags on his bed. When he’d dropped her off in the morning, he’d asked to kiss her. Given how restrained he’d been, she’d expected his kiss to be tentative.

She was completely wrong.

Once he had her consent, he unleashed. Kissing him was like kissing a thunderstorm. He wrapped her in his arms, pulled her close across the seat of his truck, and mastered her mouth. Nibbling, sucking, licking into her mouth, he fused them together. Saoirse could hold her breath for nearly four minutes, but she was breathless after the first draw of his lips.

When she began to tremble against him, he drew back, slowly relinquishing the pressure on her mouth until it was just his breath tickling over her skin and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “See you tomorrow, darlin’.”

Saoirse dragged in a deep breath to steady herself after that assault on her senses. “See you tomorrow.”

He lifted his head and drew his thumb down her cheek. “Unless I can convince you to have another sleeping-bag sleepover tonight?”

With a ragged laugh, Saoirse shook her head. “I offered a late play session in the pool tonight to make up for the time I’m taking off.”

“Okay,” Sutter conceded. “Tomorrow at eleven, then. Thank you for coming with me, darlin’.”

“You’re thankingme?” Saoirse’s voice rose to a squeak. “I should be thankingyou.”

He dipped in to lick a quick kiss into her mouth. “I’ll thank you every day you let me spend time with you, Saoirse. I can’t tell you how lucky I feel right now. I wasn’t dreading this trip, but I wasn’t exactly looking forward to it, either. Now, I can’t wait to show you London.MyLondon.” He lifted his head and looked right into her eyes. “A Daddy’s London.”

Saoirse lost the ability to breathe again. “A-a Daddy’s London?”

He nodded.

“I can’t wait to see it,” she whispered on a shaky exhale.