“Okay, I can do that.”

“I know you can.” Sutter applied a little more pressure, beginning to warm her skin.

Saoirse relaxed into the familiar sensation. While not all of the Doms she’d met had been accepting of Littleness, most of them had been amazing spankers. She knew what to expect: the first few minutes when it stung and smarted, then the slow-growing, liquid heat. By the end, she’d be boneless and relaxed with a bonfire spreading through her blood.

She gave herself over to the moment. Taking slow, deep breaths, she filled her lungs with the scent of Sutter’s house: barbeque and butter, soap and pine, the faintest whiff of chlorine, which always felt familiar and comforting. Sutter’s hand began to slap on every other circle and Saoirse welcomed the sting, letting it clear her mind. She stopped worrying about where she was going and everything she had to do to get there; she let the weight of the past slip away; she didn’t even think about Sutter and what this date meant. There was just the sting of each spank, her slow, deep breaths, the warmth of Sutter’s other hand in the middle of her back.

He drew a small sound out of her with a sharper, heavier spank. It didn’t hurt, exactly. It was more a breathy acknowledgement of moving on to the next level.

“That’s it, darlin’. You’re doing great. How does that feel?”

“Stingy. Hot. Good.”

His hand circled between her shoulder blades as his other palm peppered slaps across both cheeks. Saoirse worked her knees into the couch so she could lift her rear into his touch.

His body shifted under her, his chest pressing over her back. His deep voice whispered in her ear. “Are you seeking my touch?”

He gave her three, hard slaps. Saoirse went utterly limp as the heat raced through her.

“That’s right,” he rumbled. “This is what you want, isn’t it?”

She nodded, rubbing her cheek all over her forearm, like a cat scent-marking. “Please,” she murmured.

“That’s what I like to hear. Such a good girl, asking for more.” He peppered hard smacks over her cheeks, never hitting quite the same spot but covering her whole bottom until it was a solid orb of heat.

Saoirse wasn’t aware that her eyes and nose were running until she sniffled. She rubbed her eyes against her forearm.

Sutter’s warm hand squeezed her asscheeks, kneading in the sting.

“This isn’t a punishment, Saoirse. I can stop if you’ve reached your limit.”

“I haven’t,” she said, hearing the hitch in her voice. She cleared her throat and tried again. “I don’t know why I’m crying. It’s not too much and I’m not upset.”

Sutter’s hands circled together, one on her upper back, one in the small of her back. “If I’m not prying, can you tell me what you’re thinking?”

“I wasn’t thinking much of anything,” she told him truthfully. “My mind was empty. Peaceful.”

“That’s good. I want you to relax. Are you feeling relaxed now?”

She nodded.

“If I rub for a few minutes and give you a kiss goodnight, do you think you’ll be able to sleep?”


“Maybe I could tell you a story, too?”

“I’d love that.”

“A mermaid story, obviously.”


Sutter chuckled. “Okay, let’s get this bottom rubbed.”

Saoirse sighed happily. She tried to hold still while Sutter rubbed, but it was impossible. The motion of his hand was hypnotic. Her hips followed it with a will of their own. Feeling her face flush, she buried her head in the crook of her arm.

“I’m waving my bottom around,” she murmured. “I’m sorry.”