Page 7 of Just One Taste

She shook her head. “I practically live at the winery these days.”

“Really?” That same eyebrow shot up.

“Well, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration, but between the family ranch and the winery, I’m starting to forget what my condo looks like.”

“All work and no play isn’t good for a soul.” He smiled at her.

“Says the man who used to play for a living.” The way the sparkle in his eyes instantly dimmed had her regretting the blunt banter. “Sorry, I didn’t mean…”

He shook his head and held up his hand. “No need for apologies. You’re right. I did play for a living. A little too much sometimes, but I’m suddenly starved. Shall we go?”

With a nod of her head she fell into step beside him, waved to her manager, and wondered what thoughts had driven the light from this man’s eyes? More than that, she wondered why she cared.

Chapter Four

In the parking lot, they’d barely stepped out the winery doors when a group of men came strolling up. This late in the day it was unusual to have folks stopping by, but she’d been working on making the winery a destination for more than tourists. The idea had come to her when visiting the Coppola Winery in Sonoma. Tonight’s late arrivals gave her hope her efforts were paying off.

They’d made it halfway to her car when one of the guys stopped in his tracks and, his jaw almost touching the concrete muttered, “Daniel Dupree.” When Daniel paused, the young man beamed like a kid with a new bike on Christmas. “Holy cow. It really is you!”

“That’s what my mother keeps telling me.” Daniel reached out to shake the guy’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“I can’t believe you’re in Houston. This is so cool!”

At first, Paige worried this would make them late for their reservation, then it struck her, an avid hockey fan was a gift from God. This guy’s familiarity with Daniel would probably go a lot further to show Daniel that Houston was the right place for the Comets than anything she or her grandfather could do or say. Suppressing a smile, she stood aside and listened to the men chatting hockey and NHL for a few long minutes before they reluctantly bid their farewells and headed into the building.

Meeting celebrities was nothing new for a Baron. Paige had grown up with famous people coming and going. Once she’d even had the chance to attend a gala with her grandfather in honor of the British royal family. What she’d learned from all those encounters was that not everyone with fame or fortune were nice people. Considering all their wealth and influence, she liked thinking the Barons were pretty normal. Watching Daniel interact with the unexpected fans, her opinion of him inched up a degree or two. He had been friendly and polite and truly did not seem the least bit irritated or unsettled by having his evening interrupted. Apparently Daniel was a man that everyone liked. This man was easily growing on her. Truth was, it had been a very long time since she’d been so thoroughly charmed by anyone.

“Sorry about that.” Daniel strode beside her. “I hadn’t expected to be recognized down here.”

“Don’t underestimate the hockey fanbase in Texas. The Stars have done very well since moving from Minnesota. The Houston Comets could be Stanley Cup winners too.”

Daniel cocked his head, staring at her. “You’re a hockey fan?”

“I have four brothers. I have to be able to hold my own with any sport. Though I freely admit hockey isn’t my favorite. I much prefer sports like baseball where the players aren’t trying to kill each other.” Paige stopped at her car.

“We’re not trying to kill each other. We’re trying to score goals and win games. And the Stanley Cup.”

“Not buying it.” She clicked the key fob and Daniel opened her door for her. So the man was nice, charming, and a gentleman too. Most days she felt chivalry was a dying concept. Sliding into the driver seat, she waited for Daniel to circle the hood and climb in on the passenger side before turning the ignition. “I have sat center ice and heard the grunts and groans as players are slammed into the boards. And the faces smashed against the plexi-glass.” She actually shuddered at the memory. “Definitely trying to kill each other.”

To her surprise, Daniel let out a deep chuckle. “I might be willing to agree that it’s a rough sport. Heaven knows there are plenty of split lips and loose teeth involved, but no one wants anyone to really get hurt.”

She shrugged. “Okay, maybe kill each other is a little strong, but I’d still rather have box seats to a baseball game.”

“Noted.” He smiled at her.

It didn’t take long to get to Kirby’s. Though traffic in this part of town was always heavy, for whatever reason tonight, she didn’t get stuck in a single bottleneck.

“Nice to see you, Miss Baron.” The valet nodded and helped her out of her car. “It’s been a while. We’re glad to have you back.”

“Thank you, Nick. Glad to be back.” There was no need for a ticket. Nick had been working the valet station every weekend since his senior year of high school. He knew exactly which car was hers or all of her siblings and cousins. Now that she thought about it… “Aren’t you graduating soon?”

His smile grew. “Yes, ma’am. This June. And your brother Chase has offered me a position with Baron Enterprises.”

“Tell Chase to treat you right or he’ll have to answer to me.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The young man actually blushed before sliding into the car and easing the vehicle away from the curb.

“Do you know so much about all the valets where you eat?” Daniel fell into step beside her.