Page 38 of Just One Taste

Spinning her around again, he captured her lips against his and kissed her for much less time than he wanted. Pulling his head back, he leveled his gaze with hers. “What do you say we let the afternoon crew handle the tourists and go celebrate?”

“I think that’s a great idea, but I need to make one stop first.”

“The ranch.” It wasn’t a question. He’d come to learn how close this family was, and if he’d had any doubts, the way every single cousin within a twenty mile radius traveled through hurricane winds to come to Paige’s aid, there wasn’t a single doubt now.

It had taken Paige less than five minutes to accept her staff’s congratulations for the umpteenth time, and let them know she’d be gone the rest of the day. Clay assured her they could handle whatever came up.

“Are we sure the Governor is home?” Daniel asked as they pulled onto the ranch road.

Paige nodded. “Sent Grams a text. They’re home.”

They had barely made it halfway up the front steps when the door opened and the two puppies bolted outside to greet them. A few feet behind the dogs, the Governor banged his cane on the wooden floor and both dogs dropped their rears on the spot. Tails swishing like crazed brooms. Another tap of the cane and both pups trotted into the house. Definitely progress.

“Perfect timing. I was just going to give you a call.”

“I have news.” Paige beamed as she trotted passed her grandfather into the house.

“As do I.” The older man followed them indoors. “Let’s go into my office.”

“I want Grams to hear too.”

“Grams is here.” The sweet woman who had reigned over this large brood appeared in the doorway. “What has you effervescing like a shaken bottle of seltzer?”

A fraction more composed than when she’d squealed earlier, twice, Paige grinned widely. “The Cabernet won gold in the wine competition I entered.”

Her grandmother scooped her into her arms for a congratulatory hug. “That’s wonderful news.” Mrs. Baron turned to where her husband stood by his desk. “Isn’t it, dear?”

The old guy looked as stern as a high school principal, but even Daniel could see the pride in his eyes. “Yes, it is. Well done.”

Without batting an eye, Paige eased out of her grandmother’s embrace and hurried across to give her grandfather a quick hug. The former Marine held her tightly for a long moment and, Daniel decided, definitely proud.

Taking a step in retreat, the Governor sank into the leather chair behind his desk. “And I have news too.”

Everyone took a seat in front of the massive oak desk and waited for what came next.

“Houston has withdrawn its bid to be home to the Comets.”

Sitting beside Daniel, Paige gasped. “Governor?”

Daniel had not held out much hope that Houston could out do the top bid, but he’d not totally given up yet. With every day that passed and no announcement had come, he’d thought maybe things would work out. Now, there wasn’t a chance in hell. His only chance of remaining close to Paige was to convince the owners to let him work from Houston, or find a new job. There was no other option, he’d made too many plans and they all included Paige and Houston.

“No disrespect intended, Daniel, but sometimes the only way to get what you want is to go straight to the top.”

Daniel nodded. “No offense taken.” Besides, he had a stake in all this and wanted the Comets to come to Houston as much as the Barons did.

“There was no room for negotiation. Your boss is one tough cookie. Houston did the best they could, but the other offers were too hard to beat.” The Governor shrugged. “We simply could not compete on their levels.”

“Houston was willing to throw in a new rink, but your park and rides were no match for a new light rail system.” As much as Daniel hated to admit it, there was no point in sugarcoating the situation.

“Our only option was to change strategies.” The Governor actually smiled.

Daniel knew the man was a former Marine officer so strategy should be his strength, but hockey and war were two different things. Usually.

The Governor leaned forward and steepled his fingers. “Daniel.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Did you know that your boss is only a forty-nine percent owner of the Comets?”