Page 4 of Just One Taste

“I’m fine. Accidents happen. This wasn’t your fault.”

His gaze darted from the base of the ladder to the door then back to her. “Well, I think it is. Can I help you with that?” He indicated the bulb still in her hand.

It was a miracle in the shaky moment that she hadn’t dropped it. Still, she would sooner let a guest pour himself a glass of wine than have one change a light bulb. “I’m good. Let me fix this and I’ll move the ladder.” She motioned her head in the direction of the opposite side of the room. “The bar is that way.”

“How about I hang onto this in case anyone else comes in? I’m expecting some other people to meet me here.”

Glancing down at the crop of thick blond hair that dipped over his brow, shading those beautiful baby blue eyes, her mind wandered to how pale strands reflected the sunlight from the nearest window. Not till he cleared his throat once again, did she remember he’d asked her to let him help. “Oh. Yes, that’s a good idea. Thank you.”

Letting the guests help was not in her nature, but having someone else plow through the doorway and send her flying across the room was an even less appealing option. Moving quickly so she could get back to solid ground, she changed the bulb and climbed down the ladder.

Just then Clay entered the tasting room, glanced over at her and the ladder and shook his head. “I could have done that.”

“It only took a minute.” She smiled at the older man.

“At least let me put that away for you.” It wasn’t a question. The manager already had the thing folded and out of the way.

“Thanks, Clay.” Paige turned to the customer. “Can I interest you in a glass of wine, a quick tasting, or would you rather wait for your friends?”

The man didn’t get a chance to answer because her grandfather and her brother waltzed into her tasting room. Sporting huge smiles, the two men in her family strolled directly to the gentleman’s side. Which could only mean one thing, the man who had both almost knocked her off her feet and saved her backside at the same time, must be the hockey player they were wooing.Marvy.

She pasted on her customer service smile and bobbed her head at her grandfather. “Governor.”

The old man winked at her. The small gesture was the former military man’s way of giving her silent reassurance. “I see you’ve met Daniel.”

“Not exactly.” Somehow, wobbling at the top of a ladder and almost landing in front of the VIP of the day had not been the way she’d hoped to meet, or impress, her grandfather’s guest.

Daniel reached out a hand that engulfed hers. “Daniel Dupree. It’s a pleasure.”

His touch warmed her to the core and something tingled up her arm. It took a determined effort not to snap her hand back. “Paige Baron. Nice to officially meet you.”

“Yes.” The corners of his mouth tipped north, bringing an extra sparkle to his eyes. “I really am sorry about that.”

Her brother frowned momentarily before putting on his politician’s smile. “She’s our winemaker extraordinaire.”

“I must admit, you didn’t look like a custodian.” Daniel held onto her for a moment longer, before suddenly blinking as if only now noticing he had not let go, and pulled his hand away.

“Yes, well.” She took another step back and waved her arm toward the bar. “Shall we move on until the others arrive?”

“Lead the way, Miss Baron.”

That man’s smile was doing funny things to Paige’s mind. Or maybe it was just the aftershock of almost killing herself changing a stupid light bulb. That had to be it. She took a step forward. “Please, call me Paige.”

Daniel nodded at her, and moved in the direction she’d pointed.

Her grandfather fell into step beside her. His voice a barely audible whisper, the Governor winked again. “Atta girl.”

The comment almost had her stumbling to a stop.Atta girl? Her gaze drifted to the man now a few feet ahead of her, the sun bleached blond hair and crisp fit of his clothes against a well built and well exercised body. All she could think was…Oh, boy.The rest of this little effort was either going to be really interesting, or a real fiasco, and danged if she had a clue which would win out.

Chapter Three

Daniel knew the next few days were designed to win him over to Houston, but if getting to know Paige Baron a little better was part of the deal, he was all in. The former governor, the senator, the city councilman and Paige were all smiles.

Standing on the veranda staring down at the vineyard, the Governor’s cell sounded off and he stared down with a frown.

“Anything wrong, Governor?” A similar buckling of her brows appeared on Paige’s face.

“No.” The Governor shook his head. “But it looks like I’m not going to be able to join you for dinner after all.” The frown slipped and the smile he’d been sporting most of the day reappeared. “Paige, you won’t mind stepping in for me, will you?”